Thursday, May 5, 2011

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

1. The IVF is an assisted reproduction technique in which oocytes are fertilized with sperm in the laboratorio.Los embryos obtained were transferred into the uterus of the female with the intention of initiating a pregnancy.
IVF is a complex, expensive, not without risk for women of limited effectiveness, ethically unacceptable and can become a business that exploits the feelings of women willing to have a child.
may be homologous (gametes: egg and sperm come from the husbands) or heterologous (at least one gamete donors come from different husbands).
is estimated at 5 million number of people around the world who have born with this técnica.En in 2010 was awarded the Nobel Prize to RGEdwards medicanes, father of the IVF technique and succeeded in 1978 the conception and birth of the first test tube baby in the UK called Loise Brown (technique IVF had been used in veterinary medicine since the 50).
Because of the importance and topicality of interest we have found this publication, aimed at a general audience is this technique.

2. The cost of IVF is low and carries a high number of embryos sacrificed . The results vary greatly depending on the experience of the center that performs and the age of mujer.Consiguen have a baby per cycle 1 in 4 women who are detected in only the IVF success rate down to about 5% when the woman is over 40 years of age. And get between 4-8 births per 100 embryos created .

3. IVF is not without risk for women egg donor. It should be noted the "ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): ovarian excessive growth after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to get the eggs needed for IVF .. The mature egg retrieval is performed by laparoscopic and can be time-consuming and troublesome for women.

4. For the egg donation and sperm in Spain is a "economic compen-sation" :30-40 € for the sperm sample and 600 € for the donation of ova. Couples detected in only a benefit that IVF-entre5.000 pay € 8,000 (for each attempt at fertilization) .

5. IVF compared to natural methods of birth control .
Natural methods (Billings method) are highly effective for both pregnancy and to search posponerlo.En a 2007 study by the Dra.Martínez Irazusta in 60 women (50 diagnosed infertility and waiting list for assisted reproduction techniques): 40 became pregnant in an interval of 6 months (66.6% success), as published in the journal "Mission" n º 19, p.44. The success rate for achieving pregnancy was 32% in natural fertility consultation in the La Paz hospital in Madrid (Alpha and Omega Weekly 20/11/2008).
natural methods, besides being more effective than IVF, pose no economic cost as well as being safe and enjoyable ... but not considered "politically correct."

6. The business of IVF : in "Medical Journal" (21-6-2007) reflected the statements of Robert Winston (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a British expert on fertility) in which he condemned the IVF industry because, he said, is being corrupted by money-giving and their doctors are exploiting women desperate zadas.Así pregnant stay the same, according to published "ABC" (01/07/2007), U.S. (in the Abraham Center of Life, of San Antonio, Texas) can get "embryos à la carte" for $ 10,000. The infertile couple comes to the embryo bank, called the "catalog" and select the desired embryo according to the characteristics of egg donors and espermatozoides.También provide surrogate mothers in the event that the mother did not want the embryo implanted chosen.! could not be easier! ... as if the embryo (a human being with all the dignity of the person) were a commodity any .
artificial insemination centers "forget", however, one important aspect: the prevention of infertility (perhaps because it is not profitable?).

7. IVF is not ethically acceptable. Following the Prof.R.Lucas
ethical trial on artificial insemination is based on three points:
A. Respect for the human embryo, which does not occur in IVF because the embryo is reified, regardless of their personal dignity
B. The nature of human sexuality and the act conyugal.La IVF is immoral because it profoundly, you divide the marital sexual act unitive dimension and not immorality procreativa.La requirement due to a "religious", but the objective fact that this contradicts an integral anthropology division
C. The unit family. IVF parent-child relationships are trastocan.El extreme case for a test-tube baby can be have three mothers (biological, legal and carrier) and two parents (biological and legal)
in the instruction "Dignitas personae" on the origin of human life (published in XII/2008) Church Catholic establishes two criteria for assessing the ethics of assisted reproduction: 1.The
human being should be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception
2.The conjugal act is worthy of truly responsible procreation
You should not allow human beings (and the embryo is) are treated as "things" that can be produced, handled or comercializar.Las people should not be produced in laboratories, but procreated by binding interpersonal esposos.El ends never justify the means.

8. Other negative aspects of IVF :
A. IVF may occur that siblings become parents later in the same child, with the risk of inherited diseases that entails
B. Being a "person test tube and psychological risks involved" co biological incest "(carnal intercourse between relatives)
C . The implantation of multiple embryos (for "secure" the child) causes high rates of multiple pregnancies and premature births, with negative impacts on offspring
D. IVF threatening human and social ecology as siblings can reach marriage (in Australia 30 women in a small city have children of the same biological father: weekly Alpha and Omega 20-11-2008)
E. The desire for someone to have a child can not override this fundamental right to know who their biological parent (very well regarded by society in the case of adopted children), which violates the heterologous IVF births
F. Do not apply to human reproductive cells the same legal and moral we give to a donor organ for transplantation (because the gametes do give rise to a new life, unique and different article of the parents)

9. The "right" to the child against the rights of the child .
There is no "right" to have a child hijo.El, however (for their personal dignity from the moment of conception), it does have the right to be treated with the utmost dignity and not as if "something" (which can produce "serial" or market manipulation). People should not be produced in laboratories, but procreated in the context of marriage esposos.Conviene interpersonal stress that the child is a gift, not a right or a product.

10. In defense of the weaker .
In conclusion I wish to refer back to the instruction "Dignitas personae" which states that the Church feels the duty to voice ... "who do not, and appealed" to all people good will "to" defend the fragile human condition in the early stages of his life. "Defend, ultimately, to the weakest person who is the embryo.

-Instruction "Dignitas Personae" (12-12-2008) on some bioethical issues documents of the EEC
-View on embryos entries in this blog especially entitled "Embryo and Human Dignity"
-ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in a 19 años.E.Amestoy et al. Clinical Medicine 135:720,2010 artificial.En
-fertilization: "Explain bioethics ". R.Lucas.Ed.Palabra, 2007
-Playing asistida.En:" Basic Issues of bioethics "p.167.A.Pardo.Ed.Rialp, 2010
asistida.En-reproduction techniques," Bioethics personalistic ": science and controversy and E.Postigo.Ed.Internacionales p.201.GMTomás University, 2007
-The alleged" right to a child ", children and orphans laboratory López.Semanario biológicos.M.Martínez-Alpha and 11/20/2008 Omega-
asistida.En reproduction techniques, "In defense of the family" p.178.B.Blanco.Ed.Espasa, 2010
-Preblemas ethical selection of embryos for therapeutic purposes ca . E.Collazo.Cuadernos Bioethics 21 (72): 231.2010 English Society of Bioethics Life Sciences Institute (UCV)


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