Monday, November 16, 2009

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Variations on a Theme of Love (1)

1. Levanto pen, write. I write to raise my pen and well earned time, the brief moment between letter and word, to think about your name and wonder if that word is enough to create you or adjure. If anything just the word that you named, with few lyrics and simple palindrome to enclose all eternities imaginary moments and wake up to agree with me. Levanto

pen and write the next moment they do not yet know whether this, your name that escapes the paper, in my memory enough to give eternal life to the ephemeral names I made you up and helps me think of you when you still watching from afar. Your name is yours and may not vibrate at the same tone and timbre of the voice in my dream you had before exchanged a word with my body.

Your name is yours, I think before and as I write fantasy, however, is all mine. So can your name be the fantasy image of you were before? I invented a character image and a shadow is not your life. I loved you in my dreams, but I wanted more in the flesh in order to have you. I do not know if my dream still shapes your body, or you otherwise pint when I look full of joy. Existed prior to me, but at some so my dreams I created new, and still shines on you the sprite of the unattainable.

With your name say who you are, but what you could be, and what make you my ambitions. Say your name so I'm after you, you, what I will end without you. Your name then, not yours, nor me. Levanto

pen, write. A moment for not writing enough. In deciding to keep the letters in your name until you rewrite your future and my past life to conjure in an instant all possibility: what it is and not what may be, it will not be.

not I take the pen and write. This was or might be a blank page, now is the desire to enclose the eternity in the letters that you name and describe my fate, I wanted to write letters to lift the pen and were multiplying without ever forming the word as I write. Is it impossible.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Charlemagne Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire

Son of Pepin the Short, and Bertrada of Laon, who raised him as fervent Christian, ruled after the death his father, Pepin the Short, in 768, along with his brother Carloman the kingdom of the Franks. However, years after the latter died and Charles inherited the entire kingdom. The new Frankish king Charlemagne was called, meaning "Charles the Great." On reaching the throne, Charlemagne was proposed to restore the political unity of the Western Roman Empire and strengthen Christianity in Europe. To that end, began the conquest of neighboring territories, submitted to the Saxons (772-804), who lived in northern Germany. At the same time, killed the Avars, the people of Mongolian origin, which threatened the area of \u200b\u200bBavaria (Germany). Also underwent the Lombards, Germanic people, who inhabited the north of Italy, from the year 568, in a place that Pope Adrian I longed to recover, and to that end enlisted the help of Charlemagne, who was crowned after defeating them, as king of the Lombards. He held

near the Pyrenees, a border territory, which he called the English March, but failed to cross the Pyrenees to occupy Muslim Spain. The relationship with the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roam) was discord, until the Byzantine Emperor Michael I Rangabé signed a treaty which recognized in the year 812 Charlemagne emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Established an alliance with Pope Leo III who had consecrated emperor on Christmas Day, in 800, and the city of Aachen (in modern Germany), the capital of the empire, which divided for better management in counties or provinces, which was developed agriculture. At their head was a count, with civil and military power. The border provinces dialed, guarding the empire from invaders and were ruled by the Marquis. These and the counts were monitored by missi dominici, formed by a layman and a priest, who on his visits to the provinces kept watch over the compliance of the orders of the emperor. Charlemagne ruled his empire from an absolute (ie all the power concentrated) the style of the Roman emperors. However, the freemen of the empire (bishops, dukes and earls) met twice a year at a meeting to pass a law called Chapter prepared by Charlemagne.

Other officials were the chancellor, who was in charge of civil and ecclesiastical matters, and the chamberlain, who was the emperor's domestic affairs. The society was organized according to the role that each group met, so for example, the clergy was made up by those responsible for liturgical work, the warriors were composed by the men in charge of defense and conquest new land and the people estaab composed of men and women engaged in farming and livestock, mainly, which constituted the final step, and yet, thanks to his efforts managed to survive not only themselves but the rest of the class , considered privileged. Concerned about the low level of education, although he was practically illiterate, Charlemagne founded schools for the clergy and nobility, in the cathedrals, monasteries and even the palace. The latter, Platina School, led by Alcuin of York, a professor from England, was intended for future officials. The main textbook was the Bible, but also studied the Latin classics. This cultural flowering promoted by Charlemagne is known as the Carolingian Renaissance. " After Charlemagne's death, was succeeded by his son Louis, in 814, a weak monarch, nicknamed Louis the Pious and Louis the Pious, who endured internal strife with the nobility and his own succession, which vied with their children . In the external order, the empire suffered, between ninth and tenth centuries, new invasions, Normans or Vikings peoples Saracens, Hungarians and Slavs, which became extremely unsafe in the medieval world, beginning to lay the foundations of the new feudal organization with strong local authorities, by feudal lords and a land divided into small kingdoms and chiefdoms. Louis died in 840, and after several years of internal conflict, was signed the Treaty of Verdun (843) which divided the empire into three parts, formed in nascent form the foundation of what would be in the future, Germany France and Italy. Eastern France or Germany, it fell to Luis. Western France (modern France) was assigned to Carlos. The regions of the Netherlands, Alsace, Switzerland and Italy were granted a Lothario, knowing for that reason that territory, thereafter, as Lorraine.
1. True or False:
  • Charlemagne was king of the barbarian kingdoms of the Franks.
  • With the signing of the Treaty of Verdun divides the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms.
  • counties had the highest authority of a priest.
  • dominici The missi were composed of two priests.
  • The city of Aachen is located in the modern country of France.
  • Charlemagne's death came the Carolingian Renaissance.
  • Pepin the Short was the father of Charlemagne.
  • Ludovico Pio was the brother of Charlemagne.

2. Complete the sentences blank:

a) ................... Pope crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.

b) The border provinces were .........................

c) The capital of the Empire Carolingian was the city of ..........................

d) The laws ............................. were elaborated Charlemagne and were approved at a assembly.

e) ....................... were barbarians of Mongolian origin, which threatened the area of \u200b\u200bBavaria.

3. Explains

a) What reasons led Charlemagne to launch a cultural reform in the empire?

b) What prompted Charlemagne to stand against the Lombards?

c) Why do they say that Luis or Louis the Pious was a weak ruler?

4. For Home:

a) illustrates the theme worked.

b) Watch the video about Charlemagne in this blog and then write a letter to a fictitious friend telling them why it is interesting to Charlemagne. (Minimum 8 lines).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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PEOPLE IN DESERT: The Paracas culture

Paracas culture developed between Chincha (Ica) and Yauca (Arequipa). Although the main evidence of this culture are located in the Peninsula Paracas, it is likely that the Paracas people have lived in other valleys of Ica, and Pisco. The area was developed this culture is characterized by arid desert, with strong winds called "Paracas".

The origin of this culture is so far unknown, but with the help of numerous studies, it is believed that arose in the year 700 BC C. and ended in the year 200 AD C. STAGES

The Paracas culture was discovered in 1915 by Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello. It was he who gave the name of Paracas culture and divided into two stages: Caves and Necropolis.
The most characteristic of each stage is the way to their graves, as well as the tombs in Paracas Caverns were inverted cup-shaped bottom of which is deposited the bodies wrapped in funeral shrouds, tombs in Paracas Necropolis will be rectangular and will find in rows where the bales were placed.

Paracas Caverns Tomb

Little is known about their political organization. However, from the study of mummies and funerary bundles seems that the people of Paracas was warrior.
People se agrupaba en aldeas y estuvieron divididos en clases sociales.

La gente de Paracas logró vencer las duras condiciones del desierto donde se desarrolló. Para ello excavaron grandes profundidades hasta alcanzar la napa freática, región del subsuelo que se caracteriza por ser húmeda y que permite el paso de agua subterránea. A la napa freática le añadieron restos orgánicos, como espinazo de pescado, cuerpos en descomposición, etc. con el fin de nutrir ese suelo. A esta técnica se le conoce como macas o wachaques.
Cultivaron frijoles, algodón, calabaza, pallares, entre otros productos. Pero la actividad económica más importante fishing they did was obviously due to its proximity to the sea. ARCHITECTURE

The houses were simple, rectangular and multi-type, built with stones taken from the nearby hills. To guard against high winds many houses were underground. RELIGION

Like Chavín were polytheistic, that is worshiped many gods. It was zoomorphic and anthropomorphic creatures, figures of snakes and cats.

MEDICINE Reached a remarkable development. They were great surgeons carried out operations to the skull called "trepanation skull." These operations seek to heal those who had head injuries fighting products with other peoples as well as suffering from headaches and that they thought was trying to espírritus malignant.
As anesthesia used coca, also used cotton, obsidian knives. Thread and needle (made from the spine of the fish).

CERAMIC pottery clay was worked on and had two purposes: religious and domestic. There differences between the ceramics of the period Caverns with Necropolis period.
In Caverns was globular with loop bridge. Was polychrome, is used several colors like red, yellow, green and black. used the technique of incision.

In Necropolis was also characterized by globular, but more simple. Overlook the polychrome paint their pots of white on black, style known as "negative."

The Paracas are world famous for their beautiful coats, considered the most beautiful produced in our country.
The robes were made from alpaca wool and cotton and were embroidered with fine threads of different colors. Have anthropomorphic figures, birds, fish, among others. Also created, loincloths, shirts, turbans and skirts.


1. Located on the map of Peru to the Paracas culture. then develops a time line indicating the date of start and end. (Level 3 cm = 200 years)

2. Explains
a) Why the Paracas built underground homes?

b) What is the difference between Paracas Caverns and Necropolis?

c) Why is believed that the population was paracas warrior?

d) How did the Paracas imposed to grow in a desert environment?

e) Why do you say that the pottery of the period Necropolis was "negative"?

3. Write True or False:

a) parachutes are developed on the north coast.

b) The men of this culture is devoted exclusively to agriculture.

c) The discoverer of this culture was the same as that discovered Chavín.

d) The Paracas lived in a desert area.

e) men in this culture had a poor development in the field of medicine.

f) Their coats are represented with figures of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic.

g) During the cave tombs seem Drinking reversed.

h) The Paracas culture spread south to Tacna.

3. Find and describe: What was the practice of cranial trepanation? Illustrated.

4. Make a Paracas textile. Utilza fabric of a sack of flour. The size should be 20cm long x 15 cm wide. Uiliza tempera and creativity. Paste it into a sheet of paper A4.