Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make A Dongle To Reset Bios

Variations on a Theme of love (8)

8. 're away, leaving only memories while living in return. Clinging to the images and makes light of your body on mine, strain memory and fill the empty space, empty even by your silence. Because every day your voice fills the space of words, but your words are empty and some have changed beyond repair.

only memory to deal with your increasingly cruel anecdotes, memories as an antidote to your nostalgia. Stories I tell, nothing else, to believe that voice that reaches me from far away along the sea, where they forbade me to follow as a notice of abandonment, to assume that voice is yours, that voice is the same disembodied voice of your body, Salua, which for days was next to mine and it was different. Full. Your distant voice still speaks the secret language of your nails and your teeth, and my blood.

conveniently came in days later, just in time for me to finish writing about the devil, time and conviction. Now it is easier to see prophecy in these letters but then was pride because you liked. In your absence I do not know, write lines, pages and letters every day and every day I do believe that you have read, sometimes I ask that you read my letters to the phone. But the end is silent or empty words. A I love you that nothing says, a nostalgia that I no longer share and your heart rate so far that no longer responds to the beat of my own, or modify it, or respond. Empty words and silence.

few days ago you wrote your name on every surface of my body, scars on the superficial and deep, your name carved into my ribs, you name reorganizing the structure of my veins, going slow and fast at once, as momentum and blood, like a white snake invisible spine. Secret language of your nails that left furrows in my skin, silence words in your teeth marked on my muscles with the dye blood does not escape my body but coagulates and hardens inside. Cries that came from our mouths and they were just as blue spots on the fragile skin, flesh weak spots that turn black as the days go black as the fate that is becoming more true. You will go as the pain of the brands that we in the body. Close the memory of your memories as skin and muscle re-stick and no trace of that once we open the flesh desperate possession. Secret language of our bodies, primitive and magical writing by the thought ever be able to merge. But not anymore. And live of memories, bruises, burns and scratches not enough to deafen your voice empty, ever more distant on the phone.


Without a care for those injured hand, by burning cigarette, for the cut that fails to close and the pain will recover. But your writing is deeper, engraved in my bones, my soul. Guess a bas-relief in the bones that are more noticeable because not eating or sleeping, in the deepening dark circles and dark, your name on back pain, gastritis and insomnia. Your name indelible however once deleted without scars. It will dissolve any bruise which disappears and is returned to the river of my veins.

I become an alchemist pain. Reconfigure each wound in a sign of love. My skin look in the mirror, I remember you in the mirror of memory, can not find a way to translate your language into mine, tracing our wounds as if we were a single being, broken and detached. Cry my tears away and I cry at night the pain that does not know how to express. And so we find pleasure. Near or far, we share the desire to merge, perhaps feed on each other. Wear in the end leave us wounded, dying. And that, perhaps without reason, we call love. Impossible love doomed to failure because deep down, we will always be two irreconcilable different passengers.

Then you came back different, you left for me and then you left. Soon, and I know now-that's why I stick to the wounds and keep open while you can, come back again differently, I'll leave me for him and you go again. Heal the wounds of the body, any mark will be erased by time. And perhaps, the other, deeper, those wounds where my fingers do not come, I can not keep these open, too closed. Love

started bleeding and the skin, but does not kill. Love will not even scar. Love in the end, after we will be called pain. Your flesh will close on my mind and start to forget. For a while or forever. But our names will not be a cry of agony for the full moon, will not be the pain that binds us. Our names together, Salua and Erick, are what you start that now separates you from me. Why not return to me, but after us and will not be the same, take me form part of your blood, demon, white snake in your veins. And I hurt for life. Without end. Salua and Erick.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Design Of Pulse Oximeters Webster


" Fireproof "argument is based effort and strategy pursued by one person to save their marriage that was about romperse.Plantea a matter of substance, for love is primarily based on the will, not transitory whims. It is highly recommended
disseminated in our society where marriages are often disrupted by petty things and failure to deliver sacrificed to the other persona.Es also nuy funny movie.
"The eighth day" : chronicles the life of a person with Down syndrome and how much good it brings to the family and sociedad.Es a film especially timely now that these people are suffering a real holocaust preventing birth.
Bella : very entertaining film with a masterful performance diverdtida Eduardo Verástegui.Exalta many values \u200b\u200babout friendship, family and vida.Dura 90 minutos.Muy recommended for families.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Censored What The Blade

Is safe sex using condoms? Is it right


No Condom (p) reduces the risk of HIV infection by 85-90% in relative terms (ie in relation to HIV infection rate that takes place without use), but provides no "safe sex" because of possible failure: breakage, slippage, improper use, increased permeability of latex due to poor storage conditions only ..... we can talk about "safer sex" when using the p. but not no risk ("safer sex").

The current recommendation is based on the Consensus Lancet materialized in the "ABC" (initial English: Abstinence, Be faithful, your partner, "and, when not possible, Condoms). The strategy" and B "is" risk avoidance "while the" C "is" Reduced RISG. "

campaigns based solely on the use of p. untrue when transmitting the false idea of \u200b\u200b"safe sex" and, furthermore, are not serious or severe because they convey the same message to some young guys that are starting to live as sex workers or homosexuals is ridiculous promíscuos.Ello dangerous, sectarian ..... and also is done with our taxes and without consulting the father about what message they want to convey to their children.

- "Propóntelo, propónselo.Evitar AIDS" (book). J.de col.Ediciones Irala and International University, 2006.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Antenna To Tv Rather Than Dvd Recorder

Variations on a Theme of love (B)

I love you. That is the first and the last, is all that is there always, at all times and in all trials or all fears. My love for you does not change or off. Continues to grow, continues to growing every day, every hour, every moment. I start there, that's the only thing worth saying, because even now it costs me a bit of work start to write. But I promised to write every day and usually do not break my promises. You know, the honor, the name. Love, especially love.

That crazy love, that love silly, this love key, door, love of eternity. That love that makes me change the mood and brings me into a nervous wreck because love is made vulnerable and put it all in the hands of a loved one, a crazy bet, which is almost always lost if not always lost.

But you're not them, not me. You are you and for you I fell in love. It is true, you hurt me and hurt me more distant and rather indifferent. But that I love you. It is true, I pity your time with it, your inability to talk about it after everything I've got Miles and others. It pains me to trust you, make me feel like some analysis. And you say you do not trust him. Because if you do not trust him or you did not trust him, then why? And that is enough to drive you crazy one, wanting to go out and get some cigarettes at midnight. And say, in silence, to convince, to feel a little less silly. She does not like me. And she, of course, is you.

So be it. I love you. And I love your shade at your side. Although you have deleted the photo which I loved to watch. I like that it hurts and it hurts me more than ever, as anyone. But at some point I have to put order in this gray and restless existence that begins every morning in my room with me thinking of you and you thinking of him. Today was one of those days. I honestly do not know how many days like today can handle without hurting. And I, like you, prefer to go before hurting you, before you even think that's possible. I love you. But clearly you can not separate, you were not able until today, until a while ago when we talked and said it was very easy. How easy can be if you could not?

I love you, love with this fool, this crazy love that is opposed to everything I know and all my expectations. And I'm here, between fear and trembling, hoping against hope they really do not go. But then you learn to write about 'forever' with different durations, 'forever' of you can talk even past. In the conditional. When finished. And there again, have one to go crazy.

tell me beautiful things, things I've been waiting a lifetime to hear. And my life is considerably longer than my thirty years. Tell me what I need to get on bended knee and think that I have home, I returned to Arcadia. But you always find the way to put the end a 'maybe', a 'maybe', a 'however' that like the night before, broke your promise to write at least once every two days.

When you love like I love you, can not but feel that 'however' to the world. Because one is completely helpless. Know that love does not deserve or require, love gives and conforms with the little or much he or decision by a miracle touch others. But miracles do not happen often. And your choices are still a lot to do with others. So my love fool, my crazy love, trust, between fear and trembling. But my reason is relentless. And my reason, white snake on my back, says that even have a boyfriend because I still want to have it. And if you ask, if you say, if you offer, perhaps has more to do with morality than with a baby. You are where you want to be because that want to be. I have to deal with it at all costs or lose. It becomes clear that not want to move.

But I love you, I do not lose by choosing what you choose. And I think, because I have a terrible need to believe you and to live there, thinking, covering her mouth to that snake. Closing his eyes, the reason, look like mad, crazy love who can say 'No matter, yet you love your way '. And with that, I love your way, just me and spare me. Because the world is better with you here, well, there, with your shadow, but from time to time, here with me. My situation is impossible that I can not leave because I do not want to leave. Although one day, of course, have to leave.

Before I do another couple of burns. Bleed again by the leg and all my wounds. And I'll finish the liver and stomach. Because for me, are more important than any of those bodies who can only get sick useless. You are my light. And I could not return to live in the shadow.

If you look to care, behind every phrase, every pain or sadness, looks a size I love you world. Infinite as the eternal return. Endless as time. Deep as death. I love you. That's what I mean after all this, with every word. Sometimes you show your wounds and says 'look', not to make others feel bad, but only because they are the only true testimony, material, physical extent to which the body can jeopardize life or love. Perhaps selfishly, seeking a little comfort, a tender hand that will take up alcohol or wine and a kiss, a kiss god. Tell you what hurts me is in any way tell you I love you. Because you have a lot to love not go crazy. To respect your desire for solitude. To respect your time and engagement. You have to love you with mad love. And from time to time, hit the wall.

I love you, honey. And I would always remember the 24 as a new holiday and private. A feast is held only in the garden that we are trapped in endless paper library and where we can build the world. Twenty-four as a day of creation, engagement, closure. But I want to celebrate when you want to celebrate, not when you do anything just because it makes me feel a little less miserable. I dedicate all my days and invent a new calendar of festivals, of August 11 for example, the first day I saw you. When not let me see you just to make me feel better, but because you could not do anything, because you were where you wanted to be and how you wanted to be. Of our first discussion. The first caress. The celebration of the variations. And one day, have a full calendar, with three hundred sixty-six days of festivities that take your face, your name, your love. Some days, spread over three parties from dawn to night.

And I want to live with me. And I want to marry you in a secret ceremony, and without God. And I want so much. So many plans, so many dreams. But you're away. And to me the distance I shatters the soul. I like to miss. But I like to leave you there with your shadows. Have not told me that whatever happened, you can not know with what eyes look at me, through the skin of who you are judging me. So, while my crazy love, happy love, Christian love, love credulous faith tells me that dreams are won with will, courage or sacrifice. Though my love love me say that my honor and my name should suffice. That is always my snake, my accuser, my demon. My dreams built on air. My house of cards. And everything looks so precarious, it seems that I have no future.

I love you. I will not leave you ever. Even if I spend my life waiting. Waiting in the night to come back the circus. Waiting on a vacation to come back from the shadows. Waiting to decide to trust and surrender. Always waiting, as I almost thirty years. Another thirty are not to be so difficult. In this way perhaps no longer feel alone know, because you always have me. I love you. I love you free, I love you happy. I love you as you were before me. I love you so I do not care to change you. I love you with your buts, your phone though and maybe. I love you with your He and your other attorney and your wounds and your scars and your eyes out of focus that I see as a reflection of others I'm not. I love all of you because I love you. And I will not let go, more to come on other days, thousands, thousands of days that feel I've lost and I feel a fool for love. What I want is to love without end, without asking anything, without requiring you. According to what I play in the lottery of fate. Love the outcome in the lottery of fate, because either way, whatever you bring me tomorrow or next month, will take your name. And your name I want to define my life, I write my destiny.

course, you know. No one will love you like I love you. And I understand that sometimes you do not think I am. Because this is not common and will not happen to you in life. No one will love you so, as I love you. Never again. And I think it is time to open your eyes, make you stronger, and choice. We can grow together, dispelling darkness and live always involved in the light of your smile. You may also continue keeping your light to project yourself shadows. Use your light to talk to shadows on the wall. And I will not go, but I know you will not shut you because if you waste in this way the eternal promise of your name. I'll be your white snake. And we can not see us in the eyes in the darkness, my hand will feel like your back. And all the light, my love, will have escaped the world. And our library is full of books that will not read ever. And all the world's paper is blank.

I love you. And so, for the first time I dare to invite you to beg you choose. You choose well. Do not leave me here, waiting for a lifetime. I'm not one to ask you this. But I love you with mad love, with love door key love, love that gives eternity. So today I will be brave, but my snake tells me to shut up, today I ask you to choose. Choose either love, chooses for you. Shines. Fill in the world. And after us the deluge.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spondylosis Cortisone

talk about pre-embryos?

Answer: No .

This concept is not scientific but political and ideological (not been coined to define a new reality, but to allow intervention on human embryos under 14 days old).
right thing is to talk about embryo pre-implantation state (since all that exists before the embryo are the gametes, egg and sperm).

reading: "Codes of Life" (book): p.15.M.López Barahona and JCAbellán.Editorial Homolegens, 2009.

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When does human life? Does abortion

Answer: After fertilization (as evidenced by today's science.)

The zygote (single cell embryo) is a life different from their parents and human life (presence of Alu gene sequences, specific to the human species). And the zygote is also the only totipotent cell "contains" as each and every one of the structures are the individual of the human species.
From the moment of fertilization are therefore facing a new human being.

reading: "Codes of Life" (book): p.8-Barahona and JCAbellán.Editorial 18.M.López Homolegens, 2009.

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efcto the PDS? Is it safe

Answer: Yes

addition to inhibiting ovulation (contraceptive effect) prevents the embryo nest in the endometrium, ending and a human life has already begun its work (abortifacient). Each one of this effect occurs in 50% of cases approximately.

reading: "Morning After Pill: key concepts. C. Lopez of Burgo.En: www.unav.es/
preventive / sexualidad_fertilidad (point: Projects deInvestigación / Doctoral Theses)

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the "morning after pill? Christian Counseling

Response: not safe.

have frequent side effects (usually mild-moderate), contraindications (do not take women with a tendency to thrombosis or predisposition to ectopic pregnancies) and interacts with some fármacos.Es a mistake, therefore, its counter at pharmacies without medical supervision.

reading: "Morning After Pill: key concepts. C. Lopez of Burgo.En: www.unav.es/
preventive / sexualidad_fertilidad (section: Research Projects / Theses and Dissertations)

Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Fix Snowmobile


Author: Pedro Trevijano (Doctor of Divinity and Bachelor of Laws). publishing company: Vozdepapel, 2009 , 20 €
The present book seems especially timely given the "hypersexualization" that permeates our sociedad.Y addition, it is not always easy to talk about these issues with the people around us (for their characteristics and also by lack of training for it). The author, an expert on this subject (on which has been investigating for many years), offers a synthesis the doctrine of the Catholic Church on sexuality .
is a reference book whose chapters can be understood without reading the whole book, which is addressed to all those who wish to improve their education or to be advising others (parents, teachers, priests .....). It of 42 chapters and is amena.Se reading is, in short, a very timely publication suitable for a wide audience .

How Did They Used To Get Rid Of Tapeworm

The Life Codger

Authors: Mónica López Barahona (Director of Biosciences Research Center and Department of Bioethics Jerome Lejeune) and José Carlos Abellán (Founder of the English Society of Biojurídica and Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Biojurídica).
Editorial: Homolegens 2009, 12 €.
presented in this magnificent book an interdisciplinary approach of Bioethics of the XXI century.
From a scientific perspective, ethical and legal topics of great interest: the beginning of human life, embryonic development, abortion, IVF, stem cells, cloning, euthanasia, palliative care .....
The book is divided into four chapters ( biological code, philosophical and legal bioethical ) and ends with extensive references bibliográficas.Proporciona solid basis on various issues of great actualidad.Es biéticas therefore recommended to all those involved and interested in bioethics

Saturday, April 10, 2010

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Abortion and contraception.

Author: Guillermo López , Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Editorial EUNSA , € 2009.12. Excellent
130-page manual which restated the most important aspects related to abortion and contracepción.Se is a very educational book and entertaining with multiple pictures and images that help much to understand the issues tratados.Revisa the most important aspects related to abortion (first chapter) and then everything related to contraception, including methods naturales.Dedica a chapter on contraception Emergency post-coital pill (with the effect of contraception and abortion).
Book aimed at a wide audience, related or not with the sanidad.La bibliography lists 26 citations to date.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Point And Shoot Ice Skating

Family and Life in the Red

present the most interesting websites related to the defense of the family and life:

defense Family Webs:

- profesionalesetica.org : defense of freedom of education of parents.

- geaweb.org : current affairs

- ivaf.es : Instituto Valenciano Family.

- mujernueva.org : issues related to women

- interrogantes.net : tamas broad topical content

- objetores.org : information and resources from EpC

- padreobjetor.com : objection to EpC

- librosjuveniles.blogspot.com : extensive information about books

- hazteoir.org : citizens' movement for life and family

- casablan.org : cultural families

- troa.es : cultural families

defense of life Websites:

- provida.es : English Federation of Associations Provida

- forofamilia.org : English Forum Family

- nomassilencio.com : testimony of women who have aborted

- madrina.org : aid to pregnant women

- derechoavivir.org : pro-life movement

citizen - observatoriobioetica. com : Catholic University of Valencia

- conferenciaepiscopal.es / derechoalavida : EEC documentation

- redfarmaciaresponsable.org : on the PDD

- andoc.es : Conscientious Objection Defense Association

Mobile Help Pregnant Women:

-Foundation Redmadre: 902,188,988

-Life Foundation: 607.92.97.58

-Casa Cuna Valencia: 96.379.01.33

-Provida Valencia: 96.333.11.31 (C / Joaquín Costa 24)