embryos and human dignity
• is evidence current scientific life begins at fertilization . The zygote (single cell embryo) is a new biological reality, different from their parents. The new man has inherited 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. Unca their genetic identity and unique.
The zygote is the first physical reality of human life, every individual of our species . It is, as has been pointed out by some scientist, "the exact point in space and time in which a human individual starts its own life cycle"
• As written by Professor Jouve, Professor of Genetics: "Every life human life is unique, belonging to the species Homo sapiens, not leaps from fertilization to death, so the embryo and fetus (the early stages of life) are biologically comparable to the newborn and adult. This is the same being the same person, the only thing that differentiates them is a temporary phenomenon that should not become crucial to establish different categories in the same individual "
All scientists as well as textbooks of embryology, genetics ... a resounding claim that the embryo is a human individual from the moment of fertilization
• The cell is defined by the Cell Biology and unity of life. The human zygote (single cell embryo) is therefore unity of life and as a carrier in its genome Alu sequences (specific to the human species) is a human life. But this statement (true for the zygote) may also be applied to any other human cell. So ... what does the zygote different from other cells? . The difference is that the zygote is a totipotent cell and blastomeres of the early embryo until it is 8 / 16 cells (other cells are pluripotent or mutipotentes)
• The zygote (cell totipotent) is the only one that "contains" as each and every one of the structures that constitute the individual of the human species . If permitted development will generate all the structures that make up the individual. Throughout this development there is no substantial change, no qualitative change, no "before and after"
• The individual that was generated after the union of gametes is maintained until his death, is always the same individual who will showing different aspects throughout his life, but its genome is always the same as was established at fertilization.
we face the zygote to an individual of the human species unicellular state. All structures are "contained" in the zygote and in it there is life in action (not in power, as some argue)
• The embryo is a cluster of undifferentiated cells, but something that exists and due to an ongoing project of life. After the first cell division of zygote generates two-cell embryo, and each has a commitment to differentiation and different (one will emerge the placenta and other stem cells and embryonic layers after). Thus, from the first cell division there is a commitment to differentiation different. It can be concluded therefore that the embryo in its early stages of development is not an undifferentiated group of cells.
• And when human life began, it has a special value expressed in the recognition of their "dignity" (being endowed with very special characteristics that differentiate and rise above all other beings of nature)
• The new being (the result of fertilization) is and human life and therefore life personal.
No one is a person for expressing certain personal qualities, but these will manifest because it is a person. A grave error is to associate the existence of personal life with the manifestation of some of its features. When a person sleeps is comatose or anesthetized person ... but still not express their cognitive abilities.
deny personhood has been used to justify aberrations: slavery, elimination of human beings (Jews ...) and now abortion or embryo manipulation
Put another way: in the early periods of life may not appear clear rational element of human life that distinguishes this from other seres.Pero be wise not to demonstrate rationally but to have the rational capacity, may or may not manifest. Rationality will
attached to being an individual of the species humana.Por therefore the sole criterion to determine whether he is worthy of respect is to find out if a living human being (easily checked today).
Arguably, for all that, that man is a being particularly worthy of attention and respect by being rational ... regardless of their stage of development, intellectual ability, age, health or sickness
• Therefore and by way of summary : The embryo at the zygote stage is a human being because 1 / is a new agency, 2 / belongs to the human biological, 3 / is a body set and 4 / her growth and development occurs in a coordinated, continuous and gradual.
And ... how could a human individual not be a human person? . The human being "is" person under his rational nature. No "becomes" a person for possession of certain properties, the effective exercise of certain functions. What is important for the recognition of personhood is the membership (by nature) to the rational human species, regardless of outward manifestation of certain characteristics. No one is "more or less person." Therefore
: science and philosophy claim that the embryo is a HUMAN BEING and a HUMAN BEING (and hence their dignity, support not be destroyed or manipulated, as if it were only "a few cells")
- Recommended Reading:
"codes of life." M. López Barahona and JCAbellán.Editorial Homole-gens, 2009
"Basic Issues of bioethics." (P.81: Beginning of human life). A.Pardo.Ediciones Rialp, 2010
"dignity of life and death. N.Jouve.En: bioeticaweb.com ,6-4-2011.
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