Chemical Abortion
* is that induced by administering a drug and not peocedimientos quirúrgicos.La ethical rating is identical in both cases but the chemical abortion (AQ) is (according to its promoters) more "discreet" less
"aggressive" and, in principle, can not require admission hospitalario.Por all, is the least noticeable and is not so social rejection as abortion
classic ("unseeing eyes ..."), so the society can accept more
facility, which is what intended by the use of "pills" for its induction.
* The Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Socialist Marina Gelli) has been preparing a plan for young women loa from 16 years to abort at home through AQ.De This is intended to further reduce health expenditures and income hospitalarios.Todo
"perfect" except for "small detail": the AQ also destroyed innocent human life (it is a murder.) Catalan government's current plan put in place immediately.
* What "pills" are those that have abortifacient?:
1.Mifepristona (RU 486): inhibits the action of progesterone and stops
(by this mechanism) a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, being
"effective" until day 49 of amenorrea.Se a single dose of 600mg
orally and 36-48 hours after administering a prostaglandin
favors the expulsion of the embryo previously detached from the uterine wall.
is not free of possible side effects (vaginal bleeding, uterine bleeding ...), contraindications (suspected ectopic pregnancy ...) and can be dangerous in certain circumstances
(anemia, bleeding disorders, renal failure Hepaticae ... )
2.Levonorgestrel ("Morning After Pill" PDD) was presented officially as "contraceptive emergengia" but also acts as an abortifacient in 50% of cases preimplantation inducing an abortion (before the embryo! a human life, "has nestled in the womb. In some ways
refuses the abortifacient effect of the PDD based on artificial and unscientific definition (and not accepted by many doctors) of pregnancy that made the Cairo Conference in 1998 (and subsequently adopted by WHO) indicating that the
pregnancy begins when the embryo implants in the útero.Esta definition is political and manipulative
without any scientific basis to be accepted (any medical dictionary or the SAR defines gestures as ... "lead and support the mother in her gut the living fruit of conception until birth. ")
But even admitting that pregnancy begins when the embryo implnta in the uterus, the PDD (for one of their mechanisms of action) would produce an abortion
preimplantation (destruction of life before implantation in the uterus).
The PDD is therefore also an abortifacient, and the girl, she has a right to know! (Because it changes its ethical rating if it were only about contraception, it also is). The height of cynicism is, therefore, when
certain health claim that "thanks" to the PDD are reduced abortions.
(For more information on this aspect suggest reading other articles on this blog on the PDD)
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