Congress on Gender Ideology
9-11/II/2011 The day was held the First International Conference on Gender Ideology (IG) at the University of Navarra.Dada expose the importance of the issue then some of the things said in that conference as the press has picked up:
-IG denies that mankind is differentiated between man and nature that are mujeres.Niega ebtre differences but they both relate to cultural constructions, which, therefore, can be modified as desired by each individuo.Han replaced the concept of sexual difference by the indefinite term "gender" (gender). They have taken the sfirmación of Simone de Beauvoir, "Woman is not born, ago. "
-IG arises in the decade of the twentieth century 60's in the environment of radical feminism (gender) americano.Tras the fall of the Berlin Wall that feminism being built as a utopian ideology that was sent to the utopia of equality of "scientific socialism". The theory of "gender" (gender) denies sexual difference and affirms the rights of choice individual.La IG is one of the drifts the Marxist utopia of equality.
"The current social trnsformación moves toward the elimination of all differences (including those between men and women), based mainly on the dissemination of oral contraceptives (OCs) for separating sexuality and reproduction.
"If sexual identities are just buildings, it is possible to deconstruct them, and this is what they propose to do women's movements of "gender" and homosexuals.
"The key to the revolution of" gender "is the language changing some terms:" parent "instead of mother and father," parenting "instead of family, sex is replaced by" sexuality "and sexed by" sexual " ... to confirm that it has no reality, only the orientation of desire ...
"The IG has been welcomed in international organizations (ONU. ..) because it is the policy of expanding rights individuales.La" gender mainstreaming "has been the ideological line adopted by major UN agencies and NGOs dealing with population control.
unfounded "Besides, the IG implies a very dangerous political views, giving the impression that the difference discriminación.La stands for true equality, however, is true not only when the same subjects are treated equally but also when different subjects are treated equally (as Church says no gender feminism).
"In Spain is experiencing the legislative implementation of the IG since 2004 with the government of Zapatero: free abortion, gay marriage, sex change without even going under the knife ... are some of the laws driven gobierno.Y by all this legislation is trying to impose on the conscience of people and, through the course EPC is intended to take a younger audience this ideology (through a nasty manipulaci''on)
"But he has also stated in Congress that are solutions to the IG:
. Derogating in Spain (where the sign change policy of our government) laws
harmful to society. redirecting the laudable goals that they are pursuing other laws (igualdad. ..) and dispossess its
ideological contamination. sustain the struggle against the sectarian subject EpC ... etc. .. .
etc. And all this requires personal commitment and the mobilization of broad sectors of society that do not support the ideological manipulation of the Zapatero government (one of the most disastrous and inept characters in the history of Spain)
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