Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wart Remover For Seborrheic Keratosis


The 1860 Constitution and electoral law of 1861 laid the legal framework for presidential and parliamentary elections of early 1870. Articles 57 and 85 of the Constitution established the election of a third of the congress every two years and a new president every four. In accordance with this constitutional rule, three and six parliamentary elections took place between 1868 and 1878. The law of 1861 elections divided into three parts. In the first one the people elected delegates. In the second, the latter elected the new chairman and new members of Congress (one third of them were replaced every two years). In the third of the conference decided if the election of each new member and the president had been legal. The various parties and factions campaigning during the three phases of elections. In the 1870s the people elected delegates in October, they then elected the new members of Congress in November and the new president in May. The parliament took its final decision in July. This lengthy procedure was an important reason why the election had a long political dispute. Voters established by Article 38 of the Constitution of 1860 was very large. All males could vote more than 21 years of age who could read and write, or pay taxes, or possess a workshop or some land. Legally, most Peruvians adult males had the right to vote. Many artisans had a shop or plot of land outside cities, and many landless peasants as members of indigenous communities. However, we do not know how many people actually voted. There is no doubt that the municipal authorities in charge of registering voters did not respect the law, but rather trying to prevent political opponents from voting and refused to register them. Thus, the first objective of any party was to control the electoral register. Although no exact figures on voter turnout, all contemporaries agreed in 1871 that most adult males had the right to vote in general elections. This means that the Indians, who made nearly sixty percent of the population in 1876, were accepted as voters in them. You could not see this as something extraordinary, but as something normal. In the 1870 we see two major developments in the field of elections in our country: first, the lower and middle classes no longer content with the present electoral and social contacts, and demanded political representation. The participation of the masses was necessary to win elections, they wanted therefore be represented by one of their ranks. In 1871, the SIE (Club's most important electoral campaign of 1871-72 and the nucleus of the Civil Party, the largest political party in the next fifty years) just had seven artisans among its 272 founding members and the central board. Only one of them had a high position in the club. But in 1877, when two craftsmen ran as alternate members to the Chamber of Deputies, the Civil Party, arising out of the SIE, were endorsed. A few days before the two candidates were proclaimed, an assembly of craftsmen demanded that one of them to run for a seat in the House of Representatives, and not just as alternate. It was a novelty that artisans running for Congress because Unlike his predecessors and colleagues potential in him, it was manual labor. Finally, in 1878, Francisco Gonzalez, Cusco, became the first craftsman in Congress. Gonzalez had been by far the most popular candidate and respected in this city, but the Civil Party, which had a majority in parliament, opposed. As its candidate had been clearly defeated, the party leadership had to accept that it was "impossible" yet give victory to have a comfortable majority in Congress. Therefore decided to cancel the election in that department. To prevent this measure, craftsman offered to collaborate with civilians in parliament presented as guarantor Pedro José Tordoya, Bishop of Cusco. The party leadership accepted and Gonzalez entered the chamber of deputies. Second, the election campaigns of the 1870's became very long and costly. Even the wealthy men refrained from apply for fear of wasting your money without winning. In 1877, for example, estimated the campaign in Lima four candidates backed by the Civil Party would cost 60.000 soles. No one wanted to spend 15.000 soles. Therefore, half the money had to be achieved through donations. Summary paper entitled: Elections and political participation in nineteenth-century Peru: the presidential campaign of 1871-72 - Author: Ulrich Mücke



Select the most important information contained in this work using the following address: 20Electorales% 20 -% 20Exposiciones/ee2005/Exp_HistoriaProcElect.pdf

prepared an outline entitled: Elections in the 1870 Who could vote?. He adds additional data to enrich your work) for example, why it was important to get the vote of a particular social group, who were excluded, etc..).


a) Do you think the presidential elections in the 1870's were very or little exclusive? Why?

b) Currently, unlike nineteenth-century elections, all persons are entitled to vote, including (as) illiterate (as). Do you think the votes of these people can be manipulated? Why?

c) The recent Peruvian women get their right to vote in elections in mid-twentieth century (in 1955 during the administration of President Odría), do you think it is important women's participation in the electoral process? Why?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cyst In Testicals Skin

Congress on Gender Ideology

9-11/II/2011 The day was held the First International Conference on Gender Ideology (IG) at the University of Navarra.Dada expose the importance of the issue then some of the things said in that conference as the press has picked up:

-IG denies that mankind is differentiated between man and nature that are mujeres.Niega ebtre differences but they both relate to cultural constructions, which, therefore, can be modified as desired by each individuo.Han replaced the concept of sexual difference by the indefinite term "gender" (gender). They have taken the sfirmación of Simone de Beauvoir, "Woman is not born, ago. "

-IG arises in the decade of the twentieth century 60's in the environment of radical feminism (gender) americano.Tras the fall of the Berlin Wall that feminism being built as a utopian ideology that was sent to the utopia of equality of "scientific socialism". The theory of "gender" (gender) denies sexual difference and affirms the rights of choice individual.La IG is one of the drifts the Marxist utopia of equality.

"The current social trnsformación moves toward the elimination of all differences (including those between men and women), based mainly on the dissemination of oral contraceptives (OCs) for separating sexuality and reproduction.

"If sexual identities are just buildings, it is possible to deconstruct them, and this is what they propose to do women's movements of "gender" and homosexuals.

"The key to the revolution of" gender "is the language changing some terms:" parent "instead of mother and father," parenting "instead of family, sex is replaced by" sexuality "and sexed by" sexual " ... to confirm that it has no reality, only the orientation of desire ...

"The IG has been welcomed in international organizations (ONU. ..) because it is the policy of expanding rights individuales.La" gender mainstreaming "has been the ideological line adopted by major UN agencies and NGOs dealing with population control.

unfounded "Besides, the IG implies a very dangerous political views, giving the impression that the difference discriminación.La stands for true equality, however, is true not only when the same subjects are treated equally but also when different subjects are treated equally (as Church says no gender feminism).

"In Spain is experiencing the legislative implementation of the IG since 2004 with the government of Zapatero: free abortion, gay marriage, sex change without even going under the knife ... are some of the laws driven gobierno.Y by all this legislation is trying to impose on the conscience of people and, through the course EPC is intended to take a younger audience this ideology (through a nasty manipulaci''on)

"But he has also stated in Congress that are solutions to the IG:
. Derogating in Spain (where the sign change policy of our government) laws
harmful to society. redirecting the laudable goals that they are pursuing other laws (igualdad. ..) and dispossess its
ideological contamination. sustain the struggle against the sectarian subject EpC ... etc. .. .
etc. And all this requires personal commitment and the mobilization of broad sectors of society that do not support the ideological manipulation of the Zapatero government (one of the most disastrous and inept characters in the history of Spain)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hen Does M&b Warband Come Out?

Letter from a child who was never born

Mama, though you never wanted my birth, I can not stop writing mamá.Te call from heaven to explain how happy I was since I live in your birth vientre.Yo wanted to know, I thought that one day would become a happy child, I dreamed of going to school and see when born sonreir.Yo thought everyone would be glad of my birth, but you did not think same as me ... I felt something very strange that I could not explain, something that made me tremble and I felt I took away the life I wanted to defend myself, but I could not mom, was so small and so weak that I had no strength to quejarme.La criminal death surprised me when I played in your womb and live quererte.Entonces thought I knew who took the life of me, tell me, Mom: qien could get inside me to kill me?, " Quie was, Mom?, where were you defendistes.No I do not know, Mom, what I got to thinking ...

Sorry, Mom, but for a moment I thought you could only be you ... but no, excuse my bad thought: how was I to think that a mother killed her son at home so small when the cat does not harass or or the TV?. Now Mom and I see everything, I'm here in the next world with a partner the same fortune yo.Me said yes, it was you. How could you, Mom?. How could you think you would not be able to buy the dishwasher with my expenses?. Someone advised and will escuchastes before your heart.and had so many dreams ... and you to me quitastes all, those illusions about being a good son to you ...

You know, Mom?. Yesterday I was talking to God and asked him to clarify the truth about my muerte.El hugged me and told me so many beautiful things ... The most encouraging words I ever said that only escuchado.Me he is the master of my life and that nobody had a right would hojos fell quitármela.Por my God lágrimas.Pero rivers hugged me and said tenderly, my little boy
... but ... if you have no mother, I'll give you mine.
... and taught me
the Virgin Mary has given me everything you negaste.Mi me earth mother rejected me, but now I have another in the cielo.Se called Mary and is the mother of Jesus.

Mom, now I leave you with affection dfe, asking you to repent of what you did with me, you confess your sin and not do it again asks jamás.Te your child never born ...

Letter written by: Emilia
Cortina Castellón (Valencia)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Handmade Wooden Spoons

Chemical Abortion

* is that induced by administering a drug and not peocedimientos quirúrgicos.La ethical rating is identical in both cases but the chemical abortion (AQ) is (according to its promoters) more "discreet" less
"aggressive" and, in principle, can not require admission hospitalario.Por all, is the least noticeable and is not so social rejection as abortion
classic ("unseeing eyes ..."), so the society can accept more
facility, which is what intended by the use of "pills" for its induction.
* The Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Socialist Marina Gelli) has been preparing a plan for young women loa from 16 years to abort at home through AQ.De This is intended to further reduce health expenditures and income hospitalarios.Todo
"perfect" except for "small detail": the AQ also destroyed innocent human life (it is a murder.) Catalan government's current plan put in place immediately.

* What "pills" are those that have abortifacient?:

1.Mifepristona (RU 486): inhibits the action of progesterone and stops
(by this mechanism) a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, being
"effective" until day 49 of amenorrea.Se a single dose of 600mg
orally and 36-48 hours after administering a prostaglandin
favors the expulsion of the embryo previously detached from the uterine wall.
is not free of possible side effects (vaginal bleeding, uterine bleeding ...), contraindications (suspected ectopic pregnancy ...) and can be dangerous in certain circumstances
(anemia, bleeding disorders, renal failure Hepaticae ... )

2.Levonorgestrel ("Morning After Pill" PDD) was presented officially as "contraceptive emergengia" but also acts as an abortifacient in 50% of cases preimplantation inducing an abortion (before the embryo! a human life, "has nestled in the womb. In some ways
refuses the abortifacient effect of the PDD based on artificial and unscientific definition (and not accepted by many doctors) of pregnancy that made the Cairo Conference in 1998 (and subsequently adopted by WHO) indicating that the
pregnancy begins when the embryo implants in the útero.Esta definition is political and manipulative
without any scientific basis to be accepted (any medical dictionary or the SAR defines gestures as ... "lead and support the mother in her gut the living fruit of conception until birth. ")
But even admitting that pregnancy begins when the embryo implnta in the uterus, the PDD (for one of their mechanisms of action) would produce an abortion
preimplantation (destruction of life before implantation in the uterus).
The PDD is therefore also an abortifacient, and the girl, she has a right to know! (Because it changes its ethical rating if it were only about contraception, it also is). The height of cynicism is, therefore, when
certain health claim that "thanks" to the PDD are reduced abortions.

(For more information on this aspect suggest reading other articles on this blog on the PDD)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Polly Pocket Za Curice Od 6 Godina

embryos and human dignity

is evidence current scientific life begins at fertilization . The zygote (single cell embryo) is a new biological reality, different from their parents. The new man has inherited 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. Unca their genetic identity and unique.
The zygote is the first physical reality of human life, every individual of our species . It is, as has been pointed out by some scientist, "the exact point in space and time in which a human individual starts its own life cycle"
As written by Professor Jouve, Professor of Genetics: "Every life human life is unique, belonging to the species Homo sapiens, not leaps from fertilization to death, so the embryo and fetus (the early stages of life) are biologically comparable to the newborn and adult. This is the same being the same person, the only thing that differentiates them is a temporary phenomenon that should not become crucial to establish different categories in the same individual "
All scientists as well as textbooks of embryology, genetics ... a resounding claim that the embryo is a human individual from the moment of fertilization
The cell is defined by the Cell Biology and unity of life. The human zygote (single cell embryo) is therefore unity of life and as a carrier in its genome Alu sequences (specific to the human species) is a human life. But this statement (true for the zygote) may also be applied to any other human cell. So ... what does the zygote different from other cells? . The difference is that the zygote is a totipotent cell and blastomeres of the early embryo until it is 8 / 16 cells (other cells are pluripotent or mutipotentes)
The zygote (cell totipotent) is the only one that "contains" as each and every one of the structures that constitute the individual of the human species . If permitted development will generate all the structures that make up the individual. Throughout this development there is no substantial change, no qualitative change, no "before and after"
The individual that was generated after the union of gametes is maintained until his death, is always the same individual who will showing different aspects throughout his life, but its genome is always the same as was established at fertilization.
we face the zygote to an individual of the human species unicellular state. All structures are "contained" in the zygote and in it there is life in action (not in power, as some argue)
The embryo is a cluster of undifferentiated cells, but something that exists and due to an ongoing project of life. After the first cell division of zygote generates two-cell embryo, and each has a commitment to differentiation and different (one will emerge the placenta and other stem cells and embryonic layers after). Thus, from the first cell division there is a commitment to differentiation different. It can be concluded therefore that the embryo in its early stages of development is not an undifferentiated group of cells.
And when human life began, it has a special value expressed in the recognition of their "dignity" (being endowed with very special characteristics that differentiate and rise above all other beings of nature)
The new being (the result of fertilization) is and human life and therefore life personal.
No one is a person for expressing certain personal qualities, but these will manifest because it is a person. A grave error is to associate the existence of personal life with the manifestation of some of its features. When a person sleeps is comatose or anesthetized person ... but still not express their cognitive abilities.
deny personhood has been used to justify aberrations: slavery, elimination of human beings (Jews ...) and now abortion or embryo manipulation
Put another way: in the early periods of life may not appear clear rational element of human life that distinguishes this from other seres.Pero be wise not to demonstrate rationally but to have the rational capacity, may or may not manifest. Rationality will
attached to being an individual of the species humana.Por therefore the sole criterion to determine whether he is worthy of respect is to find out if a living human being (easily checked today).
Arguably, for all that, that man is a being particularly worthy of attention and respect by being rational ... regardless of their stage of development, intellectual ability, age, health or sickness
• Therefore and by way of summary : The embryo at the zygote stage is a human being because 1 / is a new agency, 2 / belongs to the human biological, 3 / is a body set and 4 / her growth and development occurs in a coordinated, continuous and gradual.
And ... how could a human individual not be a human person? . The human being "is" person under his rational nature. No "becomes" a person for possession of certain properties, the effective exercise of certain functions. What is important for the recognition of personhood is the membership (by nature) to the rational human species, regardless of outward manifestation of certain characteristics. No one is "more or less person." Therefore
: science and philosophy claim that the embryo is a HUMAN BEING and a HUMAN BEING (and hence their dignity, support not be destroyed or manipulated, as if it were only "a few cells")

- Recommended Reading:
"codes of life." M. López Barahona and JCAbellán.Editorial Homole-gens, 2009
"Basic Issues of bioethics." (P.81: Beginning of human life). A.Pardo.Ediciones Rialp, 2010
"dignity of life and death. N.Jouve.En: ,6-4-2011.