- by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (09/08/2008) and expressly approved by Pope Benedict XVI confirms and updates the Instruction "Donum Vitae" (22/02/1987). Responds new issues in the field of bioethics and promotes the formation of consciences, encouraging biomedical research respects the dignity of every human being and procreation.
- begins with the words Dignitas personae-the dignity , which must recognize every human being from conception to death natural.Se addressed to Christians and all who seek will verdad.No against scientific progress but seeks to prevent abuses of the Church today ciencia.La feel the duty to give voice to those who do not have it and appeals to all people of good will to defend the fragile human condition in the early stages of life (as once assumed the defense of workers).
- is structured in three parts :
- anthropological, theological and ethical critical
- New issues regarding procreation
- New procedures involving the manipulation of embryos or human genetic
- Both fundamental principles are:
- "The human being must be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception and, therefore, from that moment he must recognize the rights of individuals, primarily the right inviolability of all innocent human life "
- " The Origin of Life ..... is their true context in marriage and family, which is generated by an act which expresses the mutual love between man and truly responsible procreation mujer.Una with whom he has birth is the fruit of marriage "
- The second part deals with very topical issues: technical aid to fertility, in vitro fertilization and the deliberate destruction of embryos, freezing of embryos, preimplantation diagnosis, new forms of interception and contragestation (pill .....)..... postcoital
- The last part is devoted to gene therapy, human cloning, therapeutic use of cells stem ..... among other things also highly topical
- reading instruction is highly recommended for all persons interested in or concerned with bioethics, it is advisable also to re-read the encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" of Pope John Paul II.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monica Roccaforte News 2010
Bioethics Education Network "Dignitas Personae"
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