The war with Spain was preceded by that country's refusal to recognize the full validity of the Capitulation of Ayacucho and thus, the independence of Peru. Claiming that was still pending a resolution of the debt issue of independence, refused to establish diplomatic relations with Peru.

English Admiral Luis Hernández Pinzón was commissioned in 1862 by the English government to command a scientific expedition to America. This expedition was questioned from the beginning by the Peruvian government, as it was known unofficially that it was intended to accommodate the demands of the English residents in Peru. The expedition arrived at Callao in mid-1863 and resumed travel north just before Independence Day. About the same time an incident happened at the ranch Talambo, Lambayeque, among some English workers and the owner of the hacienda. Killed a Peruvian and a English. Spain claimed a penalty through Mazarredo Eusebio Salazar, who was appointed royal commissioner extraordinary. On landing at Callao with this title, the Peruvian government refused to recognize because this charge was only valid in a English colony. Salazar accused her of wanting to Peru after a conflict with Spain, and retired.
response, Finch's squad returned and occupied the Chincha Islands in April 1864. Spain proceeded immediately to send the Navy War and replaced by José Manuel Pinzon couple. For its part, the Peruvian government hoped a diplomatic solution pathway required for strengthened due to the weakness of the squad and the Peruvian army. After months of indecision, was signed Vivanco-Pareja Treaty in January 1865, which stated that Peru accepted the regional commissioner, paid the debt of independence and the costs of the English Armada, Spain, meanwhile, remain the occupation of the Chincha Islands to the obligations of Peru.

The population rejected the treaty unanimously Vivanco - couple. In Arequipa, a movement led by Colonel Mariano Ignacio Prado rebelled in February 1865, heading to his men to the capital. Winner, Prado introduced a dictatorship, as President Pezet started abroad. The new governor called for a cabinet that had two objectives: to seek the accession of neighboring countries through a defense treaty to halt the English advance, which joined Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, and prevent the legalization of the shameful Treaty Vivanco -Pareja. Thus, Prado annulled the treaty and demanded the immediate withdrawal of the English fleet, which threatened to bomb the Chilean port of Valparaiso and sending an emissary legitimate. Spain and Peru refused him officially declared war on 14 January 1866, making alliance with Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia. DEVELOPMENT OF CONFLICT
The Chilean and Peruvian teams came together to quickly resolve the conflict. The first victory was achieved when the Chilean fleet captured the English ship "Covadonga." Upon hearing what happened, José Manuel couple committed suicide and was replaced by Casto Méndez Núñez.
The February 7, 1866, was held in the Chilean port of Abtao the first formal confrontation between the Allies and the English fleets. Although it was the latter that the attack began, allied forces were victorious. In response to this, the English fleet bombarded the port of Valparaiso. Damage materials skirted the fifteen million dollars, and although the city was ravaged by a serious fire, only counted two dead. Confident in ultimate victory, the English squad also decided to bomb the port of Callao.
Méndez Núñez told the Peruvian government in late April, his decision to attack Peru. War Minister, Jose Galvez, decided to immediately start work to defend the port. As had arrived in Peru on new weapons requested by Pezet, was available fifty-seven guns, plus some vessels with small armored artillery towers. At noon
of May 2, 1866 actions were initiated. Despite the violence of the English attack, Callao resisted. Finally, the English fleet withdrew, leaving widespread damage and casualties, estimated at about two thousand, including the minister José Gálvez.
While it is difficult to give a clear victory for one of the sides, it is true that the English fleet is retired from the Peruvian coast from ten days on the island of San Lorenzo. Diplomatic relations with Spain were not restored until the signing of a peace treaty in 1879.
Make a timeline that includes from 1862 to 1866 and highlights key events.
- Mariano Ignacio Prado Pezet replaces in its second term.
- Before attacking the Callao, the English attack Chile.
- The treaty Vivanco - couple was favorable to Peru.
- Prado is up in arms in the north.
- Peru relations in 1866 - Spain are restored.
- San Román's government lasted three years.
- The treaty Vivanco - couple gave to Spain all the guano from Peru.
- Colombia and Venezuela unite to Peru to face Spain.
- The Port of Valparaiso is located in Chile.
- José Gálvez was Minister of War Prado government.
A) Do you think the treaty Vivanco - couple was harmful to Peru?
B) Do you think is right for Prado Pezet rebelled against? Why?
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