THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF KEY cultures that developed in the ancient East: Phoenicia - Hebrews - China
transcended the Phoenicians in the history of humanity for being a prestigious sailors and traders, enabling them to make contact with other cultures, those who took their contributions, to improve and create their own cultural elements.
Based on the Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics, created an alphabet (the oldest of humanity) of 22 consonants, with Jewish significance, dating from 1000 BC C. and when they met a peasant bronze vessels found in 1876, with Phoenician inscriptions, and broke thought they were selling gold. This alphabet was the basis of the Greek alphabet perfected, adding the vowels. They created
navigation techniques, which allowed them to navigate at night using the stars for guidance. From ports, existing in all the cities used a boat called bireme who owned a candle fixed flat bottom, curved bow and double row of oars, equipped Ram, a tip that allowed them to use as a warship.
Other states, such as Egypt, requiring their services, the complexity and strategic development of their craft that allowed them to reach the British Isles, sailing through the Mediterranean and African border. Darius, Xerxes and Alexander used them as consultants peace and war.
stimulated the maritime trade, to whose development is established warehouses, factories and colonies called with Phoenician population stable, on the shores of the Mediterranean, the main, Carthage in North Africa, founded around the year 813 a. C. who moved to Tyre as the center of power, but increased by Roman ambition that territory which caused the Punic Wars.
The city of Carthage was founded by inhabitants of Tyre, who emigrated from there for political reasons, to go to North Africa where there was a factory of Tyre, called Utica, whose residents worked with the foundation.
First they used the exchange, then coins as payment.
They had wood, very low in the East, from the forests of cedar and cypress trees that were able to build ships.
were one of the first people to manufacture glass, and a dye made out of shells of shellfish, called purple tyrant.
were polytheists, worshiping nature and the stars who are worshiped through animal sacrifice, and sometimes humans. Baal was the god of vegetation and Astarte, the goddess of fertility and love. Before the Phoenicians were dominated by the Romans, the couple was united in Ishtar who was the mother and wife of her son Tammuz, known as Adonis, who was also god of vegetation, dying each year in early winter and was reborn in spring. In Phoenicia the vegetation was miraculous, given the aridity of the area.

transcended the Phoenicians in the history of humanity for being a prestigious sailors and traders, enabling them to make contact with other cultures, those who took their contributions, to improve and create their own cultural elements.
Based on the Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics, created an alphabet (the oldest of humanity) of 22 consonants, with Jewish significance, dating from 1000 BC C. and when they met a peasant bronze vessels found in 1876, with Phoenician inscriptions, and broke thought they were selling gold. This alphabet was the basis of the Greek alphabet perfected, adding the vowels. They created
navigation techniques, which allowed them to navigate at night using the stars for guidance. From ports, existing in all the cities used a boat called bireme who owned a candle fixed flat bottom, curved bow and double row of oars, equipped Ram, a tip that allowed them to use as a warship.
Other states, such as Egypt, requiring their services, the complexity and strategic development of their craft that allowed them to reach the British Isles, sailing through the Mediterranean and African border. Darius, Xerxes and Alexander used them as consultants peace and war.
stimulated the maritime trade, to whose development is established warehouses, factories and colonies called with Phoenician population stable, on the shores of the Mediterranean, the main, Carthage in North Africa, founded around the year 813 a. C. who moved to Tyre as the center of power, but increased by Roman ambition that territory which caused the Punic Wars.
The city of Carthage was founded by inhabitants of Tyre, who emigrated from there for political reasons, to go to North Africa where there was a factory of Tyre, called Utica, whose residents worked with the foundation.
First they used the exchange, then coins as payment.
They had wood, very low in the East, from the forests of cedar and cypress trees that were able to build ships.
were one of the first people to manufacture glass, and a dye made out of shells of shellfish, called purple tyrant.
were polytheists, worshiping nature and the stars who are worshiped through animal sacrifice, and sometimes humans. Baal was the god of vegetation and Astarte, the goddess of fertility and love. Before the Phoenicians were dominated by the Romans, the couple was united in Ishtar who was the mother and wife of her son Tammuz, known as Adonis, who was also god of vegetation, dying each year in early winter and was reborn in spring. In Phoenicia the vegetation was miraculous, given the aridity of the area.

the death of Solomon, the tribes are divided according to two kingdoms, the ten northern tribes founded the kingdom of Israel, establishing the capital in Samaria and the southern tribes loyal to the dynasty of David, the kingdom of Judea, retaining as capital Jerusalem.
The peculiarity of the Jews, was to develop a monotheistic religion, emerging as one God, Yahweh, whose representation was prohibited and had set an alliance with the people of Israel, for its purposes by human actions of the people favored by the deity. This had given the Torah, or Pentateuch, where the commandments of Yahweh had to be respected. This thought has come down to us through the Bible, holy text of almost all mankind.
believed in a just world in which humans should follow the rules for non-corrupt. God sent a savior to Earth (Messiah) to the Hebrews still has not arrived. Among Christians that Jesus Christ was incarnate.
believed in a just world in which humans should follow the rules for non-corrupt. God sent a savior to Earth (Messiah) to the Hebrews still has not arrived. Among Christians that Jesus Christ was incarnate.

The basis of China's economy was rice and tea. In principle, these products were only for domestic consumption but soon began to export along with another product that will become very famous and requirements: silk.
The Chinese were among the first people to develop the theatrical arts. The actors had fully made-up accompanied by an orchestra that accompanied the dances and strange movements. The themes of these early plays were generally religious.
It is also important to remember that the ancient Chinese also noted that:
· researchers and explorers were great. Among other things invented gunpowder, paper, printing and noodles, which were brought to Italy by Marco Polo in the thirteenth century.
• The Chinese medicine was very advanced for its time. Developed the technique of acupuncture to cure allowing small surface sticking needles in skin in different parts of the body. This allowed them to perform operations without anesthesia using the needle in the right place, you took away all sensation of pain to the patient.
A blank map of the world lies the territory where cultures developed outlined above.
A) Write true or false:
- The Hebrews worshiped one god.
- The Phoenicians were great sailors.
- The Jews created the world's oldest alphabet.
- Chinese based their economy on the cultic with corn and potatoes.
- The Phoenicians sailed at night navigating with the compass.
- Gunpowder is an important Chinese invention.
- The first king of the Jews was David.
- Acupuncture was developed by the Phoenicians.
- The Phoenicians invented the purple dye.
- The Chinese had a maximum dissolution of Yahweh.
B) Write a sentence using the following keywords:
- Imprint
- Glass
Jerusalem - Bible
A) Why is it important to study past civilizations?
B) The contributions of older men is important for men today? Why?