Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Make Him Horny


THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF KEY cultures that developed in the ancient East: Phoenicia - Hebrews - China

transcended the Phoenicians in the history of humanity for being a prestigious sailors and traders, enabling them to make contact with other cultures, those who took their contributions, to improve and create their own cultural elements.
Based on the Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics, created an alphabet (the oldest of humanity) of 22 consonants, with Jewish significance, dating from 1000 BC C. and when they met a peasant bronze vessels found in 1876, with Phoenician inscriptions, and broke thought they were selling gold. This alphabet was the basis of the Greek alphabet perfected, adding the vowels. They created
navigation techniques, which allowed them to navigate at night using the stars for guidance. From ports, existing in all the cities used a boat called bireme who owned a candle fixed flat bottom, curved bow and double row of oars, equipped Ram, a tip that allowed them to use as a warship.
Other states, such as Egypt, requiring their services, the complexity and strategic development of their craft that allowed them to reach the British Isles, sailing through the Mediterranean and African border. Darius, Xerxes and Alexander used them as consultants peace and war.
stimulated the maritime trade, to whose development is established warehouses, factories and colonies called with Phoenician population stable, on the shores of the Mediterranean, the main, Carthage in North Africa, founded around the year 813 a. C. who moved to Tyre as the center of power, but increased by Roman ambition that territory which caused the Punic Wars.
The city of Carthage was founded by inhabitants of Tyre, who emigrated from there for political reasons, to go to North Africa where there was a factory of Tyre, called Utica, whose residents worked with the foundation.
First they used the exchange, then coins as payment.
They had wood, very low in the East, from the forests of cedar and cypress trees that were able to build ships.
were one of the first people to manufacture glass, and a dye made out of shells of shellfish, called purple tyrant.
were polytheists, worshiping nature and the stars who are worshiped through animal sacrifice, and sometimes humans. Baal was the god of vegetation and Astarte, the goddess of fertility and love. Before the Phoenicians were dominated by the Romans, the couple was united in Ishtar who was the mother and wife of her son Tammuz, known as Adonis, who was also god of vegetation, dying each year in early winter and was reborn in spring. In Phoenicia the vegetation was miraculous, given the aridity of the area.


The first Hebrew king Saul was killed in fighting with the Philistines. His successor, David, after conquering Jerusalem and make capital of the kingdom made territorial expansion. His son Solomon, progressive politics continued increasing trade, signing alliances with the Egyptians and Phoenicians, and encouraging military activity. Yet his public work, which included the construction of great temples, such as Jerusalem, dedicated to Yahweh, your God, demanded strong social costs that included forced labor and high taxes.
the death of Solomon, the tribes are divided according to two kingdoms, the ten northern tribes founded the kingdom of Israel, establishing the capital in Samaria and the southern tribes loyal to the dynasty of David, the kingdom of Judea, retaining as capital Jerusalem.
The peculiarity of the Jews, was to develop a monotheistic religion, emerging as one God, Yahweh, whose representation was prohibited and had set an alliance with the people of Israel, for its purposes by human actions of the people favored by the deity. This had given the Torah, or Pentateuch, where the commandments of Yahweh had to be respected. This thought has come down to us through the Bible, holy text of almost all mankind.
believed in a just world in which humans should follow the rules for non-corrupt. God sent a savior to Earth (Messiah) to the Hebrews still has not arrived. Among Christians that Jesus Christ was incarnate.

had a Chinese ideographic writing, which means that each symbol expresses an idea or object, as opposed to syllabic or alphabetic forms as ours. It was not easy to write the symbols and also the government had no interest in spreading the writing and reading because it suited him to keep people in ignorance. So very few, the nobility and the mandarins, could read and write.
The basis of China's economy was rice and tea. In principle, these products were only for domestic consumption but soon began to export along with another product that will become very famous and requirements: silk.
The Chinese were among the first people to develop the theatrical arts. The actors had fully made-up accompanied by an orchestra that accompanied the dances and strange movements. The themes of these early plays were generally religious.
It is also important to remember that the ancient Chinese also noted that:
· researchers and explorers were great. Among other things invented gunpowder, paper, printing and noodles, which were brought to Italy by Marco Polo in the thirteenth century.
• The Chinese medicine was very advanced for its time. Developed the technique of acupuncture to cure allowing small surface sticking needles in skin in different parts of the body. This allowed them to perform operations without anesthesia using the needle in the right place, you took away all sensation of pain to the patient.


A blank map of the world lies the territory where cultures developed outlined above.
A) Write true or false:
- The Hebrews worshiped one god.
- The Phoenicians were great sailors.
- The Jews created the world's oldest alphabet.
- Chinese based their economy on the cultic with corn and potatoes.
- The Phoenicians sailed at night navigating with the compass.
- Gunpowder is an important Chinese invention.
- The first king of the Jews was David.
- Acupuncture was developed by the Phoenicians.
- The Phoenicians invented the purple dye.
- The Chinese had a maximum dissolution of Yahweh.
B) Write a sentence using the following keywords:
- Imprint
- Glass
Jerusalem - Bible
A) Why is it important to study past civilizations?
B) The contributions of older men is important for men today? Why?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bicarb For Athletes Fot


Castilla at first estimated that Peru had a debt would not exceed 7 or 8 million pesos. The truth is that payment of this debt through consolidation bonds was a scandal of capital ratios as in the next government, headed by José Rufino Echenique, bonuses paid 23 million pesos. The corruption that was generated around this issue not only reached but also unscrupulous traders honorable men of Lima society. The ingenuity to counterfeit bonds led many men to forge signatures of past presidents including the signatures of Bolívar and San Martín. Ramón Castilla returned to power after taking up arms against the government of Echenique. The trigger was the scandal of the consolidation bonds. It knew he had a "factory bond" and that the government looked the other way. Complain that the Peruvian merchant Domingo Elias, Ramón Castilla was quick to take up arms and lead a revolution moralizing. Had the support of southern Peru and the social classes that had not been favored by the carve-up of bonds. Left Arequipa and Cuzco and Ayacucho step. In the latter city decreed the end of Indian tribute and passing through Huancayo abolished slavery (1854). He faced Echenique troops in Palma, a few kilometers from the city of Lima which overcame. He took over as president on August 14 seconds 1855.Este government was a liberal. The ultimate expression of thoughts and expectations this time is expressed in the constitution of 1860, characterized by the inclusion of social sectors hitherto excluded from national political life. Similarly popular sovereignty did not dent the current conservative postulated the sovereignty of the intelligence about the ignorant people who do not have the financial means nor the mental capacity to lead to estado.La constitution was characterized by strengthening the functions of the camera of deputies, government time reduction (from six to four years), election of two vice presidents and was allowed the right to vote to all men who could read and write to the foremen or small business and pay some contribution to estado.Entre major works of the second period of Castile stands the completion of the General Census of the Republic, which resulted in a population 2 million 487 thousand inhabitants, the creation of the Department of Loreto and the purchase of several vessels for exploration and patrol the Amazon. Other works highlight was the return of the municipalities and the creation of the Directorate of Public Works, the opening of the drinking water in the capital city, the construction of the passenger train Lima-Chorrillos, the promulgation of Instruction Public (1855), a liberal and developed mainly by Sebastian Lorente.El government of Castile came to an end in 1862. Miguel de San Román was elected president and succeeded him in command without a hitch. Had a short term due to poor health. In the few months he was in command established the Metric System of Weights and Measures and changed the monetary system since Peru had been invaded Bolivia feeble coin of little value. Similarly, during his government knew of the presence of a English fleet in the Pacific Ocean whose true intentions (to recover their colonies) were covered under the name of scientific expedition. Miguel de San Roman died on April 3, 1863, just six months of assuming the leadership of the government.


1. SAYS:
A) Why Echenique's government may be branded as controversial?
B) What major events occurred during the uprising against the government of Castilla Echenique?
C) What major works are performed in the second government of Castilla?

Figi Buttermilk Pancake Mix


After the second government of Castile called for new elections, resulting winner Miguel de San Román, who took office on October 24, 1862. His government was ephemeral, as in Chorrillos died April 4, 1863, taking over the general government Diez Canseco, given that the first vice-president, Gen. Juan Antonio Pezet, was in Europe. On August 3, 1863 return of Pezet and immediately took over the government. During his government, Peru has to face the conflict against Spain. BACKGROUND

The war with Spain was preceded by that country's refusal to recognize the full validity of the Capitulation of Ayacucho and thus, the independence of Peru. Claiming that was still pending a resolution of the debt issue of independence, refused to establish diplomatic relations with Peru.

Talambo INCIDENT - diplomatic crisis
English Admiral Luis Hernández Pinzón was commissioned in 1862 by the English government to command a scientific expedition to America. This expedition was questioned from the beginning by the Peruvian government, as it was known unofficially that it was intended to accommodate the demands of the English residents in Peru. The expedition arrived at Callao in mid-1863 and resumed travel north just before Independence Day. About the same time an incident happened at the ranch Talambo, Lambayeque, among some English workers and the owner of the hacienda. Killed a Peruvian and a English. Spain claimed a penalty through Mazarredo Eusebio Salazar, who was appointed royal commissioner extraordinary. On landing at Callao with this title, the Peruvian government refused to recognize because this charge was only valid in a English colony. Salazar accused her of wanting to Peru after a conflict with Spain, and retired.
response, Finch's squad returned and occupied the Chincha Islands in April 1864. Spain proceeded immediately to send the Navy War and replaced by José Manuel Pinzon couple. For its part, the Peruvian government hoped a diplomatic solution pathway required for strengthened due to the weakness of the squad and the Peruvian army. After months of indecision, was signed Vivanco-Pareja Treaty in January 1865, which stated that Peru accepted the regional commissioner, paid the debt of independence and the costs of the English Armada, Spain, meanwhile, remain the occupation of the Chincha Islands to the obligations of Peru.

The population rejected the treaty unanimously Vivanco - couple. In Arequipa, a movement led by Colonel Mariano Ignacio Prado rebelled in February 1865, heading to his men to the capital. Winner, Prado introduced a dictatorship, as President Pezet started abroad. The new governor called for a cabinet that had two objectives: to seek the accession of neighboring countries through a defense treaty to halt the English advance, which joined Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, and prevent the legalization of the shameful Treaty Vivanco -Pareja. Thus, Prado annulled the treaty and demanded the immediate withdrawal of the English fleet, which threatened to bomb the Chilean port of Valparaiso and sending an emissary legitimate. Spain and Peru refused him officially declared war on 14 January 1866, making alliance with Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia. DEVELOPMENT OF CONFLICT

The Chilean and Peruvian teams came together to quickly resolve the conflict. The first victory was achieved when the Chilean fleet captured the English ship "Covadonga." Upon hearing what happened, José Manuel couple committed suicide and was replaced by Casto Méndez Núñez.

The February 7, 1866, was held in the Chilean port of Abtao the first formal confrontation between the Allies and the English fleets. Although it was the latter that the attack began, allied forces were victorious. In response to this, the English fleet bombarded the port of Valparaiso. Damage materials skirted the fifteen million dollars, and although the city was ravaged by a serious fire, only counted two dead. Confident in ultimate victory, the English squad also decided to bomb the port of Callao.

Méndez Núñez told the Peruvian government in late April, his decision to attack Peru. War Minister, Jose Galvez, decided to immediately start work to defend the port. As had arrived in Peru on new weapons requested by Pezet, was available fifty-seven guns, plus some vessels with small armored artillery towers. At noon
of May 2, 1866 actions were initiated. Despite the violence of the English attack, Callao resisted. Finally, the English fleet withdrew, leaving widespread damage and casualties, estimated at about two thousand, including the minister José Gálvez.
While it is difficult to give a clear victory for one of the sides, it is true that the English fleet is retired from the Peruvian coast from ten days on the island of San Lorenzo. Diplomatic relations with Spain were not restored until the signing of a peace treaty in 1879.

Make a timeline that includes from 1862 to 1866 and highlights key events.
- Mariano Ignacio Prado Pezet replaces in its second term.
- Before attacking the Callao, the English attack Chile.
- The treaty Vivanco - couple was favorable to Peru.
- Prado is up in arms in the north.
- Peru relations in 1866 - Spain are restored.
- San Román's government lasted three years.
- The treaty Vivanco - couple gave to Spain all the guano from Peru.
- Colombia and Venezuela unite to Peru to face Spain.
- The Port of Valparaiso is located in Chile.
- José Gálvez was Minister of War Prado government.
A) Do you think the treaty Vivanco - couple was harmful to Peru?
B) Do you think is right for Prado Pezet rebelled against? Why?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Gowns For 15 Year Olds

My Old Daily Mail

Adding a self-descriptive items, here is a page of my diary.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stomach Sitting By Women

Over the years, write, share and receive criticism. The most persistent and constant criticism is very simple and I hit hard while reviewing old letters. I share the bit of my answer just for the fun and too serious mood change when they brought the Variations. Here is the best way to describe me (of course modesty aside):

" is funny, indeed, almost all women believe that women should go crazy for me just read to me. But none of you are saying is crazy. Jajaja Even my mom, when she saw the Valley of Screams , instead of congratulating me, I said "I do not know how old you ....!" not mean, imagine how fucking nasty that I must be, to yet and I'm a genius aesthetics and the feeling, no one swing bull! Chale, I need a drink .... "

How sad is not it?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Letter Of Release Of Liability


Welcome aa D / submissive IRC room for practice and development of the protocol in actual BDSM relationships. After nearly two years of operation, the founders of D / submissive we decided to give an impulse to respond to needs as we see, exist within the BDSM community in Spain, to which we belong.

first thing we want to promote is the fact we are real people of our community, we maintain real BDSM relationship. In this respect, and from the utmost respect for all those visitors who prefer to limit their space to the field BDSM cyber relationship, or just visit us out of curiosity, from our room be assessed by direct personal relationships above all else, and we will do everything possible to help those who have not yet decided to take the step of showing the other assuming the role that free choice, do so with the maximum security.

To assist in this, the Founders of the assigned room operator level (in front of nick @) or Voice (+ in front of the nick), only those persons whose identity is known and matches the sex and role you are, so that any newcomer can have a real contact point and found to turn to raise any issue relating with BDSM.

On the other hand, as a community we are, we promote awareness and usage of the protocol used to regulate social relations within it. In this regard, particularly for newcomers, it is necessary to clarify that a protocol is simply a set of principles of good manners and ways of behavior accepted within a group, and are not very different from those found in other areas of everyday life, such as forms of greeting, to behave at the table, or go to someone who just met.

Whether you call the baker, or that the waiter We serve breakfast is addressed to us as "Sir" or "Knight" does not in the least that exists beyond the personal relationship respect and timely recognition of respective roles in that particular instant. In that sense, and beyond the standards of the room, which are primarily aimed at maintaining good order within it, trying to promote as far as possible the generally accepted forms of conduct governing public contact between members BDSM community, some of which were established worldwide, as part of our culture and we hope to serve more people decide to make the leap socialize.

expect our visitors to read the Rules of the room and take them into account, and we discuss any questions or concerns about them. In D / submissive understand that the rules are relaxed enough so that compliance does not imply in any way accept subjugation or submission by anyone, so we'll be as strict as possible to encourage compliance by all. In those cases subservient to see that the room protocol conflicts with protocols set by its parent, but still would like to participate, we suggest that such a conflict arise before it and he gets in touch with the Founders of the room.

A Greeting and Welcome




Plastic Und Latex Deflating


Rules governing this room is unique in the same and respond to the will of the founders to create a distinct space from other BDSM-themed rooms. The founders of D / submissive they are not intended to create any kind of general principles to be extended to other rooms, and accept and respect the rules and customs of those other thematic channels BDSM when in them. Similarly, expect their visitors to understand the purpose of governing in D / submissive and accept them without understanding them as an attempt by general taxation, but only as a safeguard of a living space for all of us for whom the BDSM is a way of life.

We must remember that "the protocol is fine as long as it does not become an excuse to censure and obstruct communication" in the sage words of lena {DR}

General rules:

1. The IRC-Hispano room D / submissive is configured as protocol-themed room BDSM (Bondage, Domination / submission and Sado Masochism), whose basic principle is respect for persons, regardless of the role adopted.

2. Access to the room is free. All those who violate these rules may be expelled from it.

3. All users of the same to be known personally by the founders and routinely enter will be recognized by providing the ""+". Among these, which considered the most capable and suitable shall be given the level of room operators.
4. Inside the room does not allow the continuation of clones that are not identified to the satisfaction of operators and two different people, they only lead to identification errors and unnecessary confusion.

In the symbolism of the nicks :

1. The Am @ s must enter a nick in which at least the first letter of it is capitalized.

2. People who feel submissive will do so with a nick that is written all lowercase letters.

3. People who consider switch may enter either as dominant or submissive compliance with the rules as above. If in the course of his stay in the room want to switch roles may do the same but if not change your nick.

4. The existence of the symbols {} or {XX} at the end of a nick submissive state that is owned by a Parent. In the case of empty collars of the dominant identity is understood as the exclusive preserve of the submissive and its owner.

5. Represents the nickname offensive situations may be a warning that your nickname is not welcome in the hall asking them to change it or leaving it.

In the performance standards :

1. As a room protocol, submissive people will go to treating you and / or Mr. or Ms. to Dominant found therein.

2. In turn, the Dominant must treat other people submissive and dominant due education and respect, without being offensive to them. The Dominant have to accept that the treatment imposed on the subs in the previous paragraph does not imply submission but mere politeness. Parent proclaimed that whoever does not understand and accept this is likely to immediate expulsion from the room. A submissive person is primarily person and must be treated and considered as such.

This respect will be maintained both publicly and privately.

Here we must point out that in the room and, for the use of verbal humiliation, it is understood that the sub has power to defend themselves (because of age as it is, it is the sufficient criterion) so if you understand that you are being insulted by a Dominant suffice them to report to any of the operators to make it clear that the latter is breaking the rules of the courtroom, but abide by that humiliation means that she is aware of all aspects of BDSM protocol and is compliant or it is the love that is submitted.

Therefore, operators will refrain from entering (beyond which is a mere information on the subject) unless it offended the submissive This is manifested without, however, allow the room becomes a place that is conducive to the fights at school.

3. It is considered polite greeting when entering the room and, as far as possible, answering the greetings. An exception to this fact is the people who enter through the completion of scheduled weekly debate.

4. No Parent may require anything from a submissive person who belongs to another dominant and in the case of wanting something specific, you must apply to the Lord of the submissive.

5. Although not compulsory to apply for private conversations in the general room, yes that should be the will of any person not to talk to another, for it simply in the same room or private warning to that person they do not want to talk to that has opened this private.

However, if what you want is to talk to a person surrendered shall apply to the Owner of this, except that there is already a general permit issued by the latter, the applicant well or to the person surrendered. In case of empty collars will address the submissive in the general room and be bound to accept without question that the answer to the application complies with the will of the owner thereof.

6. It is considered that the report that a person is not capable of respecting the will of others and tries to force itself is something necessary for the proper functioning of the room because it allows us to eliminate people who are not what they seem.

7. Be considered tasteful participation in the discussions and the various exchanges of views that exist in the room, as well as in the discussions that occur.

8. It is considered bad taste to comment on events in other rooms IRC-Hispano BDSM.

9. It is considered impolite not to write full nicks people in the room. Failure to do so operators indicate to this person how.

10. Also not considered desirable for people who are in the room to conduct continuous changes in the nick as less serious and can lead to confusing and unwanted situations.

of sanctions and warnings

1. Any person who is absent from the above rules is warning traders that their behavior is not correct. If you continue in the same attitude will be suspended from it (banned).

2. Everything Parent aggregating two bans will kickceado room reasoned way. We must bear in mind that when a room protocol Dominant entering these new are treated to what is supposed to be.

3. So if you show that they are not by Am @ s kick in the behavior and respect they deserve submissive people will be kicked from the room by prohibiting them from re-entering it.

4. Anyone receiving three bans submissive will be removed from the room during the time the operator performing appropriate.

5. Any person who does not respect the will of the other members not to talk to her in private will be kicked automatically as it is considered disrespectful to the essentials that unites us is the fact that people.

6. Any person banned, expelled or kicked may request two other operators review logs of what happened and to ascertain whether this corresponds to a fact consistent with these standards.

7. The above rules will apply only to those users who adopt an attitude consistent with the purpose of the room. Those visitors who visit it with obvious attitude annoy other users, create sterile polemics, or any other similar (trolling) will be removed immediately and without appeal.