late Paleolithic, it begins a period of change, both for the Earth as for men. We have seen that during the Paleolithic Earth was covered by extensive ice sheets at that stage was called the Pleistocene glaciations. But then, these ice sheets would begin to withdraw, causing an increase in flora and fauna, improve the conditions for human development. Thus began a new stage in the evolution of the Earth called the Holocene. During the Holocene
develop the periods called Mesolithic (Middle Stone) and Neolithic (New Stone). During these periods, the technique for making stone tools significantly improved: the stone is polished with sand to give a better finish.
is believed the Mesolithic would have begun about the year 10 000 a. C. and ending in the year 8 000 a. C., when the man discovered agriculture. As you can see, this period was the transition from men hunters - gatherers of the Paleolithic and Neolithic farmers.
develop the periods called Mesolithic (Middle Stone) and Neolithic (New Stone). During these periods, the technique for making stone tools significantly improved: the stone is polished with sand to give a better finish.
is believed the Mesolithic would have begun about the year 10 000 a. C. and ending in the year 8 000 a. C., when the man discovered agriculture. As you can see, this period was the transition from men hunters - gatherers of the Paleolithic and Neolithic farmers.
Mesolithic Mesolithic man continued to live in caves, but now it was for longer periods because they had discovered a new activity. At some point the man must have realized that by placing seeds on the ground and with the help of a little water appear a plant, the same as with the passage of time would provide food. Probably the first attempts were made to cultivate small plots of land, digging with the help of a stick or with his own hands. In this first attempt to cultivate the land is called horticulture and would become a kind of primitive agriculture.
This new activity must be, surely, by women, while men were hunting and gathering. So passed a man's life during the Mesolithic.

polished stone axes of the Neolithic
In approximately 8 000 a. C begins a new period of human history called the Neolithic. During this period major changes took place that transformed human life. The Neolithic would end the year 4 000 a. C. Here are some features of Neolithic man:
· Discover agriculture. We have seen that Mesolithic man discovers horticulture was a primitive agriculture, because not used any tools or agricultural engineering. Agriculture appears with the invention of the plow, the use of fertilizers, artificial irrigation and crop rotation. In this way one could obtain large quantities of food, which led to man the hunter - gatherer to become a farmer.

· It becomes sedentary. The emergence of agriculture meant a change in the way of life of man. The man stopped being nomads to become sedentary, ie went to live fully in one place, to cultivate the land. So they left their caves to build their first homes.

· tamed some animals. The first to be domesticated animals were dogs, goats and possibly sheep. The last two animals were domesticated in order to have meat, wool and leather. Instead, it appears that the dog looked for human companionship, perhaps motivated by the assurance of power supply, that is to be understood that the man was not going to miss food.
· appears social organization. The men who were engaged agriculture were increasing and also increased the number of dwellings. The man felt the need to protect their crops and seeds, then had to organize. So some are devoted to leading the group, resulting in the ruling class, while others only to cultivate the land.
· We invented clay pottery to put the fire, creating several vessels.

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