Is safe sex using condoms? Is it right
No Condom (p) reduces the risk of HIV infection by 85-90% in relative terms (ie in relation to HIV infection rate that takes place without use), but provides no "safe sex" because of possible failure: breakage, slippage, improper use, increased permeability of latex due to poor storage conditions only ..... we can talk about "safer sex" when using the p. but not no risk ("safer sex").
The current recommendation is based on the Consensus Lancet materialized in the "ABC" (initial English: Abstinence, Be faithful, your partner, "and, when not possible, Condoms). The strategy" and B "is" risk avoidance "while the" C "is" Reduced RISG. "
campaigns based solely on the use of p. untrue when transmitting the false idea of \u200b\u200b"safe sex" and, furthermore, are not serious or severe because they convey the same message to some young guys that are starting to live as sex workers or homosexuals is ridiculous promíscuos.Ello dangerous, sectarian ..... and also is done with our taxes and without consulting the father about what message they want to convey to their children.
- "Propóntelo, propónselo.Evitar AIDS" (book). col.Ediciones Irala and International University, 2006.
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