Lambayeque culture also known as Sicán arises to separate from political control Moche, as a result of political and social upheaval. Had a significant development of metallurgy, building huge pyramids with stepped platforms and a network of canals Intervalles. ORIGIN
Muchik The native people of Lambayeque have that long ago, came from the highest part of Peru, a brave man called Naymlap, directing a large fleet of rafts. This man Naymlap was accompanied by many concubines, among which was his principal wife Ceterni, and a large number of people.
Naymlap and his companions arrived at the mouth of the river Faquisllanga, where they left their boats with the intention of occupying the valley, and after walking for half a league, they settled and built some palaces they called Chot. In this place, put a green stone idol they were carrying, and represented the face of the Lord. This idol was called Yampallec, meaning Naymlap image. LOCATION
In earlier times the power center was in the residence "Batan Grande Lambayeque, later moving near Túcume Purgatory in the lower valley of the river La Leche. AREA OF INFLUENCE
the north spread to the valleys of Lambayeque and Motupe in the south to Jequetepeque in La Libertad. ANTIQUE
Its development occurs between 700 and 1300 d. C. ECONOMY
depended primarily on agriculture intense practice by a remarkable system that allowed them to carry hydraulic fluid elements to their fields. Also practiced barter. RELIGION
highlighting various gods worshiped a being whose face is marred by a mask that has eyes that pulled depicted on their pottery, textiles, metallurgy, etc.. Also worshiped the sun, the moon, water, among others.

Lambayeque's men built large pyramids with large stepped platforms, probably for use as cementerios.Estas adobe pyramids had courtyards, rooms, corridors and accessible via ramps
decorated Lambayeque Men walls and columns and friezes with figures using the technique of bas-relief in clay characteristic of the Huaca Chotuna near Lambayeque, who apparently was dedicated to the worship of Naylamp. Textiles
Little is known of textile Lambayeque. This is due in large part to the deterioration caused by textiles due to the climatic characteristics of the area. However, some species have been found as mantles decorated from a funeral of Batan Grande. Tissues also had feathers for decoration or filling exquisitely painted. The characters of high rank as the "masters" have outfits decorated with feathers of various colors. CERAMIC
The Lambayeque culture pottery is known for the diversity of its forms. For example, containers presents a globular, conical, double-peaked, and other features that we see here. In Lambayeque pottery vessels can find both monochrome, black, as bichromes, combining the cream and red.

metallurgy reached a high degree of desarrollo.Los metals used were gold, silver, copper, bronze and alloys such as copper / gold called "tumbaga." Produced funerary masks, earplugs, tumis. This culture was the one that reached the highest development of metallurgy and goldsmith of Ancient Peru. Then the men of Chimu inherited this knowledge.
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