Son of Pepin the Short, and Bertrada of Laon, who raised him as fervent Christian, ruled after the death his father, Pepin the Short, in 768, along with his brother Carloman the kingdom of the Franks. However, years after the latter died and Charles inherited the entire kingdom. The new Frankish king Charlemagne was called, meaning "Charles the Great." On reaching the throne, Charlemagne was proposed to restore the political unity of the Western Roman Empire and strengthen Christianity in Europe. To that end, began the conquest of neighboring territories, submitted to the Saxons (772-804), who lived in northern Germany. At the same time, killed the Avars, the people of Mongolian origin, which threatened the area of \u200b\u200bBavaria (Germany). Also underwent the Lombards, Germanic people, who inhabited the north of Italy, from the year 568, in a place that Pope Adrian I longed to recover, and to that end enlisted the help of Charlemagne, who was crowned after defeating them, as king of the Lombards. He held
near the Pyrenees, a border territory, which he called the English March, but failed to cross the Pyrenees to occupy Muslim Spain. The relationship with the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roam) was discord, until the Byzantine Emperor Michael I Rangabé signed a treaty which recognized in the year 812 Charlemagne emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Established an alliance with Pope Leo III who had consecrated emperor on Christmas Day, in 800, and the city of Aachen (in modern Germany), the capital of the empire, which divided for better management in counties or provinces, which was developed agriculture. At their head was a count, with civil and military power. The border provinces dialed, guarding the empire from invaders and were ruled by the Marquis. These and the counts were monitored by missi dominici, formed by a layman and a priest, who on his visits to the provinces kept watch over the compliance of the orders of the emperor. Charlemagne ruled his empire from an absolute (ie all the power concentrated) the style of the Roman emperors. However, the freemen of the empire (bishops, dukes and earls) met twice a year at a meeting to pass a law called Chapter prepared by Charlemagne.

- Charlemagne was king of the barbarian kingdoms of the Franks.
- With the signing of the Treaty of Verdun divides the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms.
- counties had the highest authority of a priest.
- dominici The missi were composed of two priests.
- The city of Aachen is located in the modern country of France.
- Charlemagne's death came the Carolingian Renaissance.
- Pepin the Short was the father of Charlemagne.
- Ludovico Pio was the brother of Charlemagne.
2. Complete the sentences blank:
a) ................... Pope crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.
b) The border provinces were .........................
c) The capital of the Empire Carolingian was the city of ..........................
d) The laws ............................. were elaborated Charlemagne and were approved at a assembly.
e) ....................... were barbarians of Mongolian origin, which threatened the area of \u200b\u200bBavaria.
3. Explains
a) What reasons led Charlemagne to launch a cultural reform in the empire?
b) What prompted Charlemagne to stand against the Lombards?
c) Why do they say that Luis or Louis the Pious was a weak ruler?
4. For Home:
a) illustrates the theme worked.
b) Watch the video about Charlemagne in this blog and then write a letter to a fictitious friend telling them why it is interesting to Charlemagne. (Minimum 8 lines).
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