hi johan, I was so late that the answer, but ams say better late than never, I was busy and neglected the blog, I apologize.
The mantra of Tibetan health;
Divinity Sangye Menla and here I send you all the ritual of their practice:

Before SADANA LONG a few minutes meditating on the breath. Display
Approximately four fingers over top of my head is a lotus flower. At its center is the moon disc, white, on which sits my Root Guru, the essence of Dharmakaya of the Buddhas. Is blue and his body radiates a blue light.
His right hand rests on his right knee, holding a stalk of the plant "Arure (Tenimalia Hebula) in the mudra granting the supreme achievement. Argues that stem between thumb and forefinger.
His left hand holds a bowl filled with nectar of lapis lazuli, in the mudra of concentración.Está sitting in the lotus position and wearing the three robes of a monk. It has all the qualities and major and minor signs of a Buddha.
Taking refuge and generating the BodichitaRecordamos the three causes which impel us to take refuge:
1) Fear less rebirth
2) Confidence in the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha)
3) I want to liberate all beings from suffering.
By reciting the 1st time in prayer, we look to the heart of Buddha nectars come to us and all beings, purifying the negativities of this and other lives.
recurrence in the 2 nd nectars come to our head with the blessings of body, speech and mind of all Buddhas.
In the 3 rd repetition, we think that we and the creatures around us, we are under the care of these objects of refuge.
The Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha I take refuge until enlightenment is reached. Virtuous merit that I collect by practicing giving and other perfections, may I quickly attain Buddhahood. to bring all beings to the state of enlightenment (recite 3 times).
Four thoughts inconmesurablesEsta
prayer is very profound because it is addressed to all beings in a fair manner. Generate the sincere hope that what we are saying will become a reality.
May all beings possess happiness and its causes.
May all beings be free from suffering and its causes.
May all beings remain for ever in joy.
May all beings remain in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.
Generation BodichitaSi's minds is something that unites us all is that all beings seek happiness. What happens is that most people look for happiness where there is not, outside. Everyone is looking for love out of them and never find, because love is something that comes in and goes out. The few things that have already realized that love never goes out in are those in the path of bodhicitta, ie the desire to help all beings to get them out of this error and find happiness within them.
Especially for the benefit of all beings, quick catch up very quickly the precious state of complete Buddhahood. For this reason I will practice the meditation of Guru Medicine Buddha.
Prayer of seven branches
I bow to the Buddha of Medicine. I present all the offerings without exception, including the true facts and those mentally transformed. I confess all non-virtuous actions accumulated since beginningless time.
while I rejoice in the virtues of ordinary beings and noble beings. As a guide we ask Thee, O Lord, you do spin the Wheel of Dharma and that you pass into Nirvana until the end of the samsara dedicate all virtues, mine and those of others, to generate the Bodhicitta mind, to grow that has been generated and to quickly reach Buddhahood and thus bring all beings to the enlightened state. Offering
By directing the fields of the Buddhas is offering a mandala built on a resplendent with flowers, saffron water and incense, decorated with Mount Meru and the four continents, as the sun and moon, may all beings be driven to this land. IDAM
Prayer of supplication:
I beg Great Physician Gracious, that you have in your left hand a bowl of nectar, symbolizing your vow to give the immortal nectar of Dharma that eliminates degenerative diseases of old age and death. Please grant me your blessing.
VisualizaciónSegún we saying the name of the Buddhas are going viewing. First, about a foot of our crown, on a lotus and a moon, the Medicine Buddha essence of our Master, blue, and on it, one perched above another, forming a column, the six Buddhas remaining with their respective colors. On top of my head
is the Great Buddha of Medicine. and on the top of This is a wish-fulfilling jewel, the essence is the same Guru.
Above him is the Buddha of the King of Knowledge course (Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po), whose body is red, with his right hand in the mudra of granting sublime realizations and with his left hand in the mudra of concentration .
Above him is Buddha Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang). Her body is pink and is in the mudra which presents Dharma.
Above him is the Buddha Supreme Glory Free Pena (Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa). Her body is pink and is in the mudra of concentration.
Above him is the Immaculate Excellent Gold Buddha (Ser. Zang. Dri. I). Its body is pale yellow and his hands are in the mudra that exposes the Dharma.
Above him is the Buddha King of Melodious Sound (Rin Chen. Da. Wa.) Its body is reddish yellow. His right hand is in the mudra of granting sublime realizations and his left hand in the mudra of concentration.
Above him is Buddha Renowned Glory of Excellent Signs (Tsang. Leg. Yang. Drag). His body is yellow, with the right hand in the mudra of giving protection and left in the mudra of concentration. Requirements
at 7 Buddhas MedicinaAhora started by the Buddha which is above and visualize that it is absorbed en el anterior y éste en el siguiente hasta llegar al Buda de la Medicina que nos envía luz y néctar.
¡Oh Gran Asamblea de Bendecidos, por favor prestadme atención! Vosotros, siete Sugatas, hicisteis anteriormente oraciones para cumplir las promesas que habíais hecho al final de quinientos años de las enseñanzas del Buda Sakyamuni. Os pido que me mostréis la verdad directamente.
Buda Glorioso Renombre de Signos Excelentes (Tsang. Leg. Yang. Drag), el plenamente realizado, el que destruye toda suciedad. Buda completamente perfecto, que ha realizado la verdad absoluta de todo fenómeno, me postro ante Vos, tomo Refugio y os hago ofrendas. Que vuestro voto de beneficiar a todos los seres se realice ahora, for me and for all (x3 and x7). Tsang
Buddha. Leg. Yang. Drag dissolves into light and is absorbed into the Rhine Chen Buddha. Da. Wa.
Buddha King of Melodious Sound (Rin Chen. Da. Wa), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Rhine Chen
Buddha. Da. Wa dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Zang Ser. Dri. Immaculate Excellent Gold Me.Buda (Ser. Zang. Dri. I), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow before you, take refuge and make offerings to you. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Zang Ser
Buddha. Dri. I dissolve into light and absorbs the Buddha Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa. Supreme Buddha
Free Gloria Pena (Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Nya
Buddha. Nga. My. Cho. Pa dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang. Buddha
Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). The Buddha Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po.
Buddha King of Knowledge course (Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). The Buddha Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po dissolves into light and is absorbed into the Great Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menla). Great Buddha of Medicine, fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Display
response to my request, down innumerable rays of white light coming from the heart and the holy body of Medicine King and fill my entire body from head to toes, purifying all diseases and afflictions caused by spirits, with their causes and all negative karma and mental confusion. Due to the nature of this light, my body becomes so pure and clear as crystal.
rays of light descend in this way two more times, filling my body increasingly clear that light is a source of pure bliss.
In my heart appears a lotus and moon. Built from the center of the lunar disc is the syllable OM, surrounded by the syllables of the mantra.
while reciting the mantra, visualize light that radiates from the syllables of the mantra to my body. Light rays purify it by removing all diseases that come out the bottom holes in the form of pus and dirt, also remove all the negativities of mind, sent out through the bottom holes in the form of black smoke, my body being transparent as crystal, which is then filled with nectar. Then the light shines on all beings purifying and eliminating all negativity and disease. At the end are in the form of Medicine Buddha.
Mantra Mantra Recitation Length:
short Mantra: OM Tayata
Depending on how long you may have to recite the long or short mantra as often as you like, for example, a bad integer, or three.

Because of these merits, I meet the actions of the Sons of the Victorious vast as the ocean. I get to be the Holy Saviour, the Refuge and Aid for all beings who have been so kind to me, on so many occasions during past lives. For the virtues
received to do this practice, which all beings, I see, hear me, touch me or remember me, are released at this time of their miseries and experience happiness forever.
Since all beings, infinite as space, are included in the compassion of the Guru Medicine Buddha, may I also become a guide of beings that exist in all directions of the universe. Because
these virtues, can I get to quickly reach the state of the Buddha of Medicine and lead all beings without exception to his kingdom lit.
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