Peru News
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was characterized by a militarized government in which the head was the king or great lord. The first king was Tacaynamo Chimu Chimu kingdom who founded and established as its capital the city of Chan Chan. The king accompanied him on the government a group of administrators who were responsible for tax collection, control of production, among other functions. After Tacaynamo other kings will rule Chimu, including Guacricaur, son of Tacaynamo. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
The Chimúes had great concern for the social order developed a very rigid system controlled and through which all sectors of society.
There were very distinct social classes: upper class, consisting of the leaders. An intermediate class, consisting of priests. Finally, the dominated class composed of farmers, traders and artisans. There were also slaves or yana, were prisoners of war who were forced to work without any benefit. ECONOMY
The Chimúes managed to impose the dry nature of the Coast through the implementation of important works of irrigation, canals and dams. The basic economic activity was agriculture, for which built many irrigation canals, but also practiced fishing as a sideline.
Chimu men, in order to gain more farmland, built wachaques like parachutes. The farms were sunk wachaques that took advantage of soil moisture, which was rich with remains of marine species being ready to be cultivated. Moreover, the Chimu also practiced the trade with other areas in order to get those products they needed.
Chimu worshiped in various local gods, as the moon, sun, stars and the sea. Also believed in the existence of the afterlife. For this reason, the bodies were buried with valuable offerings and personal items that they could serve in the afterlife. CULTURAL EVENTS
Chimu pottery is characterized molds were used in its preparation. Ceramics dominated globular body with flat base and stirrup, but there are also those with bridge handle. The colors used were polished or matte black and red ocher. Generally, ceramics are characterized by Chimúes adorned with a small sculpture representing the figure of a monkey.
The Chimu built several cities which housed a large population. The capital of the Chimu culture was the city of Chan - Chan, located near the modern city of Trujillo. This city, rectangular in shape, covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 20 km ². It was constructed of adobe and adobe blocks. Its walls were decorated with murals and decoration in high relief representing mythological figures, shapes and elements of the flora and fauna.
The Chimu excelled in the field of metallurgy, being considered the best metal workers of Ancient Peru. Such was the fame of these goldsmiths who, when the Incas came to this area, several of them moved to Cuzco for manufactured objects precious to the Inca and also to teach his techniques to the goldsmiths Cuzco.
expertise such as casting, welding, hammering, among others. Produced large amount of metal objects, some for ceremonial purposes and other religious purposes. Notable tumis ceremonial knives and masks adorned with precious stones like emeralds. The metals used were gold, silver and copper.
bugs: A culture of successful traders
This culture occupied the valleys of Chincha, Ica, Pisco and Nazca, Ica region in the current. Its political or government was in the valley of Chincha. Chincha culture
Although basically occupied the valleys mentioned, his influence reached from the Arequipa region. Find its beginnings in 1000 and would reach the year 1470.
The government of the Chincha culture was aristocratic type, ie was in charge of a minority group of nobles. He was also an authoritarian and centralized. At the head was the lord or king of Chincha.
Their society consisted of different groups:
• The nobility, who occupied the highest positions.
· The priests were the intermediaries between gods and men.
• The people, composed of merchants, artisans, farmers and fishermen.
Chincha society lived three activities: agriculture, fisheries and trade, trade being the most important activity. Despite having fertile land, food was not enough, so that men of this culture developed other economic activities. To practice the trade used both by sea as on land. Bed bugs had
reed horses for its maritime trade. Carrying agricultural products traded with northern towns after precious stones, gold and copper. It is known that sailing would come to Ecuador.
The land trade was conducted through South American camelids. Marketed to people of Cusco and Puno. Of these regions were jerky (dried llama meat), wool, copper, etc. Although
occupied territories of the Nazca and Paracas cultures, the Chincha culture was not very sophisticated ceramics, but simple. Was mostly utilitarian type.
The shape of the ceramics were diverse: vases, jugs, plates, pitchers. Note that Chincha potters abandoned the use of the bridge loop.
The colors used were black and white on a red background. Their motives were mainly geometric and zoomorphic figures.
a) Form: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
b) Color: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
c) Income: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
4. MACHINE MADE TIMELINE COMPARISON TO LOCATE THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURES Chimu and Chincha (Mabaso cultures should be located in the same line). SCALE 2 CM = 100 YEARS.
An important feature of the Moche people of Cultra, as well as other cultures that developed in the Early Intermediate, is that they had made great progress in various areas of water technology (the technique studying the transmission and distribution of water in agricultural land), which allowed irrigate and cultivate numerous valleys. The Mochica, for example, built irrigation systems, water wells, irrigation channels, etc. achieving low fluid transport element for the arid soil of our coast. For the people it meant getting more produce, for more and better food and a notable increase in the population.
The main agricultural product was corn, which was used to prepare court and chicha. Other daily consumer products were the lima beans, sweet potato, pumpkin, Loch, avocado, papaya, and cucumber lucuma. They also consumed potato thanks to barter or exchange of goods with other peoples of the Sierra. The diet was supplemented by fishing, thanks to its proximity to the sea. Had fishing nets, harpoons, hooks, and boats known as straw reed horses, which even now are being built and used.
Different studies show that Mochica should be a very well organized, with large public works. It is believed that the State Mochica was militaristic and aggressive wars of conquest used to expand their territories.
The ruling class consisted of a small group of military Nobles, where the top leader was called Cie - Quiche, ruler of the Moche valley. Then came the Alaec, who were the kings of a single valley, subordinates the ultimate authority.
After we find the priests who were highly respected by all the people, for they knew the "secrets" of agriculture. These priests lived in truncated pyramid temples, unlike the nobles who lived in palaces. The priests were responsible for the worship of the most important god of the Moche, the Aia - Apaec, whose teeth of felines, the wrinkled face and whiskers coming out of the nose. Followed the priests, the people, which was made up of fishermen, farmers, artisans and soldiers. We finally found the slaves, people who did not enjoy any privilege and that in fact POWs were used for human sacrifices.
Almost everything we know about the lives of the Moche is through their pottery, considered the most beautiful of ancient Peru. Its shape is diverse, but predominantly globular stirrup-odd bottle. Bichrome is a ceramic, it highlights two colors: creamy white and reddish brown.
worked in the metallurgy of gold and precious stones in the development of ornaments such as bracelets, earrings, breastplates, masks, etc..
Regarding its construction, the adobe used both to build houses and temples. The shape of his temples was the truncated pyramid. Among the main highlight the Huaca del Sol, dedicated to the worship of the god Aia - Apaec and Huaca de la Luna, dedicated to the worship of the dead, both temples located in the northern city of Trujillo - La Libertad.
. The Moche culture developed in the south coast.
. The Moche were a peaceful people.
. Their pottery was mainly globurar with a single peak and stirrup.
. The painted ceramics are examples of ceramic painting.
. In their buildings used stone and sand.
. Its main activity was fishing ecopnómica.
. Grown using the sea.
. They made beautiful works in gold.
. Developed greatly in the field of hydraulic technology.
. Its most important agricultural product was the pope.
a) Why do you think was important to study the Mochica cultuira?
b) What do you mean by hydraulic technology?
c) Was it important for the cultures of the coast to develop hydraulic technology? Why?
d) What do you think cultural contribution is the most stressed in the Moche culture? Why?
Make a timeline of the Mochica culture at 2 cm = 100 years
VisualizaciónSegún we saying the name of the Buddhas are going viewing. First, about a foot of our crown, on a lotus and a moon, the Medicine Buddha essence of our Master, blue, and on it, one perched above another, forming a column, the six Buddhas remaining with their respective colors. On top of my head
is the Great Buddha of Medicine. and on the top of This is a wish-fulfilling jewel, the essence is the same Guru.
Above him is the Buddha of the King of Knowledge course (Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po), whose body is red, with his right hand in the mudra of granting sublime realizations and with his left hand in the mudra of concentration .
Above him is Buddha Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang). Her body is pink and is in the mudra which presents Dharma.
Above him is the Buddha Supreme Glory Free Pena (Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa). Her body is pink and is in the mudra of concentration.
Above him is the Immaculate Excellent Gold Buddha (Ser. Zang. Dri. I). Its body is pale yellow and his hands are in the mudra that exposes the Dharma.
Above him is the Buddha King of Melodious Sound (Rin Chen. Da. Wa.) Its body is reddish yellow. His right hand is in the mudra of granting sublime realizations and his left hand in the mudra of concentration.
Above him is Buddha Renowned Glory of Excellent Signs (Tsang. Leg. Yang. Drag). His body is yellow, with the right hand in the mudra of giving protection and left in the mudra of concentration. Requirements
at 7 Buddhas MedicinaAhora started by the Buddha which is above and visualize that it is absorbed en el anterior y éste en el siguiente hasta llegar al Buda de la Medicina que nos envía luz y néctar.
¡Oh Gran Asamblea de Bendecidos, por favor prestadme atención! Vosotros, siete Sugatas, hicisteis anteriormente oraciones para cumplir las promesas que habíais hecho al final de quinientos años de las enseñanzas del Buda Sakyamuni. Os pido que me mostréis la verdad directamente.
Buda Glorioso Renombre de Signos Excelentes (Tsang. Leg. Yang. Drag), el plenamente realizado, el que destruye toda suciedad. Buda completamente perfecto, que ha realizado la verdad absoluta de todo fenómeno, me postro ante Vos, tomo Refugio y os hago ofrendas. Que vuestro voto de beneficiar a todos los seres se realice ahora, for me and for all (x3 and x7). Tsang
Buddha. Leg. Yang. Drag dissolves into light and is absorbed into the Rhine Chen Buddha. Da. Wa.
Buddha King of Melodious Sound (Rin Chen. Da. Wa), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Rhine Chen
Buddha. Da. Wa dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Zang Ser. Dri. Immaculate Excellent Gold Me.Buda (Ser. Zang. Dri. I), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow before you, take refuge and make offerings to you. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Zang Ser
Buddha. Dri. I dissolve into light and absorbs the Buddha Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa. Supreme Buddha
Free Gloria Pena (Nya. Nga. My. Cho. Pa), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Nya
Buddha. Nga. My. Cho. Pa dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang. Buddha
Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). The Buddha Cho. Drag. Gya. Tso. Yang dissolves into light and absorbs the Buddha Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po.
Buddha King of Knowledge course (Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po), the fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). The Buddha Ngon. Kyenan. Gyal. Po dissolves into light and is absorbed into the Great Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menla). Great Buddha of Medicine, fully realized, the destroyer dirt. Completely perfect Buddha, who has done the absolute truth of all phenomena, I bow to Thee, I took refuge and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and for all (x3 and x7). Display
response to my request, down innumerable rays of white light coming from the heart and the holy body of Medicine King and fill my entire body from head to toes, purifying all diseases and afflictions caused by spirits, with their causes and all negative karma and mental confusion. Due to the nature of this light, my body becomes so pure and clear as crystal.
rays of light descend in this way two more times, filling my body increasingly clear that light is a source of pure bliss.
In my heart appears a lotus and moon. Built from the center of the lunar disc is the syllable OM, surrounded by the syllables of the mantra.
while reciting the mantra, visualize light that radiates from the syllables of the mantra to my body. Light rays purify it by removing all diseases that come out the bottom holes in the form of pus and dirt, also remove all the negativities of mind, sent out through the bottom holes in the form of black smoke, my body being transparent as crystal, which is then filled with nectar. Then the light shines on all beings purifying and eliminating all negativity and disease. At the end are in the form of Medicine Buddha.
Mantra Mantra Recitation Length:
short Mantra: OM Tayata
Depending on how long you may have to recite the long or short mantra as often as you like, for example, a bad integer, or three.
the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, love and compassion. Chenresi divinity.