Tamding Teachings of Geshe Gyatso
Menorca, December 1997 generated
Buddha bodhicitta and the objective of this was to serve all the generated seres.Al principle in mind the benefit of all beings and held up to the three ways iluminación.Buda miracle of helping others through: - the body - the word-and mind. ·
Miraculous Power of Buddha's body.
When the body says, refers to the three bodies of evolution used for the benefit of others. If Buddha visit Citadel, by the power of his presence, ordinary beings would not create any deception. · Miraculous power of the Word of the Buddha of the three ways miraculous Buddha is to help others, the best would be to the word, because through it the way we communicate, and just knowing you nosotros.Hay depends on three types of word of Buddha - which comes from his mouth are: - 3 spins the wheel of Dharma: - the 4 Noble Truths, the Sutra Heart-Chitamantra-version - that comes from inspiration or permission of Buddha such as the Heart Sutra - which comes from their blessings, is the noise coming from the trees, extrusion head Buddha or drums celestiales.Buda attained enlightenment at age 35 in 7 weeks, not taught because the reason was to show the greatness of the Dharma until other things are not asked. When that happened every being listened to him in their own language. Buddha instantly resolved the doubts of those who asked. Just enter your field insects were a reincarnation superior.Establecer the 4 noble truths in 6 sections: 1 - Number of the four final Order arias2 definitive truths-truths of the 4-Defining arias3 each ellas4-Division-ellas5 every meaning of the word in truth aria6-The 16 aspects of the 4 verdadesEl issue is not easy or definitive brief • Number of the four truths ariasSon 4, the reason for this result is that for humans there are only 2 possibilities to be in Samsara and be out of Samsara. Samsara would be related to the first 2 truths: the existence of suffering and its causes. The other 2 truths have a way out of Samsara: cessation and sendero.La first, the reality of suffering, shows that all aggregates of Samsara are suffering and the nature of these is to experience suffering. The second shows the causes and conditions for suffering, karma and delusions, which is the origin of suffering. The third shows that the cause of suffering can be removed and may eventually cease. For cessation one should meditate on the trails and this would cease. · Final Order of the 4 truths ariasEn general there are 2 ways to order: 1 - Cause and efecto2 "The way they are generated continuous achievements in the two mentalHay general ways to explain the doctrine. For example, according to the 2 nd is suffering first and then the cause. If you explain the 1 st as the cause and effect: first serious karma, the suffering, the path and cesación.Hay a reason to reverse order (2 nd), it is vital to locate the suffering of Samsara and then analyze their causas.Después to analyze that suffering comes from the delusions and karma, one can decide released. After understanding this one can know that suffering can be eliminated. Then generate a determination to obtain the cessation is a state free from suffering. The separation of suffering is called termination or release. To get it you have to meditate on actual trails or the truth of sendero.Es for these reasons that the Buddha said that suffering known involves: - abandoned due-date-path cessation cultivadoMaitreya in said Utaratantra this order is compared to the ratio of one doctor with his patient. He said that the disease must be identified and the cause has to leave, having generated a fear of enfermedad.Es important to know that the disease is disease. For example, the disease must be to abandon their cause, health should be achieved by applying the disease medicina.Padecemos deception and Karma and because of that we moved continuously by the Samsara.El Buddha is the doctor and the Dharma is the medicine, through the path of Dharma or obtain the release. • Definition or meaning or characteristics of each of the 4 Noble VerdadesLa first definition of the truth of the origin of suffering: part of a phenomenon samsaric arises from a cause. Party means, because it implied that the result of Samsara (is suffering). Samsara by nature, is sufrimiento.La second definition of the truth of the origin is a part of a phenomenon samsaric that produces a result, suffering. We focus on two truths resultado.Estas explain how it is circulated in the Samsara, is explained in the 12 links: causal links 5 and a half and 6 and a half resultantes.Los links 12 links can be divided into: deceptions, actions and results ( suffering). On 1 link 3 deceptions are true: - ignorance-8-9 forward aferramientosEl 2 º link are true origin or actions: Action compositional 10 existencias.Los remaining 7 are suffering verdadero.Los 12 interdependent links: 1 - Ignorancia2 º - Action composicional3 º - Awareness mental4 º - Name and forma5 º - Percepción6 º - Contacto7 º - Sensación8 º - Ansia9 º - Aferramiento10 º - Existencia11 º - Nacimiento12 º-Aging and muerteSomos unable to identify these 12 links in nosotros.La truth of cessation: is the removal or abandonment in the mental continuum of an aria, obtained by the result of his own cause that is the truth of the path. Called cease because they have stopped the truth engaños.La path: the result, which is knowledge of the cessation, proper separation of knowledge obtained through the deceptions of the road or the wisdom found in the mental continuum of a being superior.Estas two truths are only in possession of Aria arias.Ser beings, one who perceives the emptiness directly. These beings do not commit further acts to be reborn on the left to create Samsara.Sólo Karma if you have that knowledge of vacuidad.Los Bodhisattvas, who are on the path of accumulation and preparation are any Arias and others not. But only reborn in samsara for the motivation to help all seres.Un Hinayana Arhat has to start acumulación.Senderos Mahayana path: - Large, Hinayana-Preparation for example, such a Bodhisattva with infinitely Bodhicitta Meditation-Vision-No aprendizajePrimera Noble Truth: The truth of SufrimientoA nobody likes but has a positive side. When we experience suffering acts as an antidote to pride and may encourage us to enter the spiritual path. Without suffering we can not generate resignation. Suffering helps us to have compassion, to awaken. If we know that suffering is the result of negative karma can propel us to let go and change behavior. Is called positive side because we are inspired to get involved in spiritual practice. If you do not have this knowledge, no one likes to hear about the suffering. For we know the suffering of Samsara in general and particular.En are usually 3, 6 and 8 sufrimientos.El suffering in 3 are: - the suffering of suffering, the suffering of change-the suffering that pervades todo.El suffering of suffering: they are all unpleasant feelings, polluted, both physical mentales.El as the suffering of change: they are all good feelings, physical and mental suffering that change. In this sense we call happiness, but it is not as it changes and becomes a problem. For example, the scratching begins as pleasure but if we levelof suffering becomes pervasive, concerns our own contaminated aggregates. The pervasive suffering is experienced by all beings in the Samsara. Al form these aggregates already carry their suffering and are Samsara. They are called so because it is the result of karma and delusions. The suffering in 6 are: - Uncertainty, Dissatisfaction "Having to leave the body again and again, be conceived again and again, and no amigosAl Soledad enter the Samsara are punished for these 6 kinds of suffering. There is a punishment from us mismos.Es important to understand that they are experienced at birth in Samsara, unchecked by our lado.Cuando have discomfort, the nature of Samsara is suffering so it is normal to experience pain. It's like the fire is burning nature, it is not surprising because it is their 2 nd naturaleza.Esta is true: The cause of iluminadaEl suffering has to be suffering from uncertainty, punishment by our own karma and delusions. The defeat of lacking certidumbre.En samsara there is nothing definitive, everything can change: friend into an enemy and vice versa, they are our parents may have been enemies in other lives and our enemy in our son in an afterlife, etc. The suffering of dissatisfaction. Once reborn in samsara no matter what one has, never will fill us with satisfaction. If we'll want more power, etc. The pain of leaving the body over and over again. If we can make one heap of bones that we had would be larger than Mount Meru and so continue if not we free ourselves from Samsara. The Samsara we leave the body and take another one and again. We depend on our parents and the countless times we've been suffering concebidos.El change in status means we could have been kings and then being in hell, or president and then beggar in one life or diferentes.El suffering from loneliness. Relationships formed after birth parents, friends, ... At the time of death all our possessions are passed on to others. At the time of death we can not get anyone, we are born alone and we leave alone. The space between birth and death is short, do not distinguish between friend and suffering enemigo.El 8 are: - Being born-Aging-Disease-Dying-Separation of what wish-Find-No nasty things to find what you want "That falls on us something we do not deseamosEl \u200b\u200bsuffering of aging do not notice it because it comes in a gradual but serious blow if it came from suffering insoportable.El separated from what we want, at death we experience a very strong, to separate us from our loved queridos.El suffering to find nasty things, like finding our enemy rob us or kill us, suffering etcEl not find what you want, or good job , a good harvest, a good husband, etc. The suffering of fall upon us something we do not want, such as disasters, bad weather, accidents, etc.Si can not identify the shortcomings of Samsara we can not get rid of él.Si not generate the mind that you want out of Samsara not generate Waiver. Waiver If we can not generate using our own suffering, we can not generate compassion using the suffering of others. If we do not mind that you want to emerge from Samsara Emptiness is impossible to generate without it is impossible to cut the root of it, which is the mind that clings to its own. To generate Disclaimer first have to identify the existence of the suffering of Samsara.Segunda Noble Truth: The Cause of SufrimientoLos 6 realms of Samsara, 3 above (gods, demigods and humans) and 3 lower (Animal Kingdoms Pretas and below) The Gods are suffering from having to change the Demigods cuerpo.Los DiosesLos fight for the human to be born, disease, aging and dying animals to eat, be eaten and ignoranciaLos sedlo pretas are hungry and have hot and cold hells extremosLa Waiver mind recognizes the suffering of Samsara and want to leave él.La cause of suffering is karma and delusions. This Karma is produced by the deception. The root of delusion is ignorance grasping of its own. The antidote to ignorance is the wisdom realizing emptiness. To free oneself from Samsara there is only one path that is the wisdom realizing emptiness. As with the gods of the desire realm and the higher realms, with form and without form. In the United the desire there are 6 types of dioses.El Buddha said: "I have shown you the path of liberation, but it depends on you." No one can heal ourselves. Like a doctor, if the patient is taking their medication, it can not heal. Like the Buddha said: "If a patient does not follow doctor's advice, which is not recovered is not the fault nor the doctor or medicine." All the different types of distress have been caused by acts. Then this suffering is not by any external force, but by our own karma and delusions. It is best to use suffering punishment as a word that names the result of a cause. Responsible for this suffering are Engaños.La Karma and cause of suffering is divided into two: Deception and Karma.El Karma is the seed and if it is not adequate conditions is impossible to leave alguno.El deception result acts as soil, water and sun , which allows florezca.Cuando this seed seed meets these conditions, nothing can prevent Karma ripens. The most important is the elimination of cheating, ie no conditions for seed germination. Deception is responsible for creating new and mature Karma Karma pasados.Karma means every act, word or thought positive or negative, that yields positive or negative depending on its nature. Their nature can be positive, negative or neutral physical, verbal or mental.Con the body, speech and mind can generate 10 positive and 10 negative acts. Karma is the opposite of positive negative negativo.Actos body: killing, stealing, misconduct negative sexual.Actos the word slander, lying, harsh words, idle talk negative Acts mind lusting or evil thoughts, vision errónea.Para that an act was complete would require 4 conditions: want, have it and rejoice hecho.El Karma result is experienced in this life, in the next or futuras.Karma lives in this life are causes of experience in this life and result in the same .- Action in this lifetime but is experienced in the next life .- Action in this lifetime but is experienced in life futuras.Podemos do with our body, speech and mind acts as positive, negative or neutral and non-fluctuating. Virtuous acts push us to be born in higher realms of Samsara, No virtuous lower realms, not fluctuating produce rebirth in the kingdom of God with form and without forma.Una classification of Karma: Karma Karma driving and to complete we launched into a specific site. The Karma which drives can be positive and the negative full, eg birth occurs in a particular place and completing the birth occurs in a country with many problems. Karma example of driving would be born as an animal and karma completes a family would take good care of him. When the two are serious negative reborn in a hell realm. Karma would be a rich man driving positive and the full positivo.Hay 4 possibilities watching the Karma which drives and which would be the classification completa.Otra Karma is caused and it accumulates and accumulates and which does not cause , which is cause and does not accumulate, which not accumulate and or causa.Ejemplos: 1 - intentionally kill an animal or someone to take care haga2 No - We intend to kill or steal but then we do not. Glad that something happens to someone, but do not causamos.3 º - A king orders to kill someone who kills creates the cause but no accumulation. If I kill someone by accident but did not want, I have a cause but not the acumulación.4 º - We have no intention of doing something and not committing acts hacemos.Constantemente are positive, negative and neutral. Arias and Arhats also make positive and neutral karma. Do not act as causes for rebirth in Samsara because they lack the ignorancia.Buda devoted all his merit to his disciples that his teachings have had no obstacles to our continued mental abundancia.En have many causes, it is very difficult to remove. Just concentrate on eliminating engaños.En for negative acts can be purified using 4 antídotos.Si create a negative act and a minute later repent and generate the desire not to do it, we can stop Causes.factors positive seeds are destroyed by the energy of odio.Los engaños.Hay 6 root and 20 secundarios.El deception deception is a mental state that alters us and brings us the following deceptions paz.Los 6: 1 º 2 º anxious attachment aversion Orgullo4 odio3 º º Doubts engañosas6 Ignorancia5 º º misleading views, within which there are 5: Vision of the compound and transient vision extreme Holding wrong views as supreme spiritual visions wrong and keep taking them as supreme, Visions erróneas.Además side there are 20 tricks that are actually derived from those 6. Constantly arise depending on causes and condiciones.Ejemplo of 3 cases of deception: - We have not abandoned the deceptions "We're in a place where generations" We have no righteousness to combatirlo.Definición of cesaciónLa truth of cessation is the state of abandonment that is required in the mental continuum of an Aria. Depending on the nature of cessation can be divided into 3 - Terminations Terminations listener-producer of solo-Terminations MahayanaCesaciones own trail, but in fact are not true defaults: - Cessation last-token-Cessation Cessation Cessation unperfected-adorned- Cease Cease-adorned not with waste-free residuosDe Cessation they are real and some other no.Cesación is to be free of deception. For example, a patient when has cured the disease The cessation of last 2 noble truths beings possess only Arias.El path to cessation is divided into 3 - Path of the listener-Path-Path solo filmmaker MahayanaConstan of 5 trails, "Accumulation Preparation "From Vision-Meditation" No more aprendizajeDesde the path of vision leads to actual defaults. In the path of accumulation and preparation are still things done directly ordinarios.Quien Emptiness is an Aria, not before. · Meaning of the word of every truth ariaSon called truths. The 1 st must be identified, the 2 nd has to be abandoned, the last 2 updates. There is a wrong path, does not fool the disciple. Buddha is a being who never cheats. If Buddha is not much logic tricks abala this statement. Faith is not a reason lógica.El Buddha said: "You should not accept my words of respect if not by logic and verification and then have respect." We investigate the validity of his enseñanza.La second reason why they are called truths, is because Aria has felt the emptiness perceives reality. 4 th truth of this teaching. All beings have with us the suffering that pervades everything, and hair in the eye need not floating out inmediatamente.El Karma does not change, nor do prayers, pujas, nada.Karmas created in deep states concentration (in the form, shapeless) · The 16 aspects of the 4 Noble VerdadesSe taught to misconceptions we removed the 4 Noble Truths. There are 16 wrong paths to reach liberation. Wrong views are beings have in relation to the 4 noble verdades.Para stop these wrong views the Buddha spoke of the 16 aspects (Dharmakirti) to remove the fantasies about what is the Path Espiritual.En relation to each there are 4 truths of wrong views, which their antidotes are: Suffering - Impermanence - Suffering-Emptiness-No entidadCausas be either: - Cause of suffering-suffering-Production Source Circumstances strongly sufrimientoCesación - Cease-Peace-Excellence and Emergency prosperous and high-final or RenunciaSendero: - Awareness of the path-Achievement-Release adequately definitivaLas misconceptions about the Suffering: - believe that the aggregates are to believe that permanent- aggregates produce joy or happiness, believe that the contaminated aggregates are clean and pure, believing that the aggregates are autoexistentesLas misconceptions about the causes, "thinking that causes suffering, no-thinking that is produced by a single cause to think that aggregates have been created by God "to think that the phenomena are inherently permanent, but temporary impermanentesLas misconceptions regarding the cessation, "the release, there are certain characteristics contaminated release-think what are nothing more than certain levels of deception liberation apprehending the return of deception removed and re-emerging misconceptions regarding the Trail: - believe that the path to liberation is nonexistent, believe that emptiness is not path to liberation, to take a certain level of concentration as the path to liberation believe that a spiritual path that leads to enlightenment is inexistente1 First Noble Truth. 4 aspects of sufrimiento1 º Transience and impermanence. Penetrate into the essence of impermanence encourages us to go on the road. At first to enter, in medium to develop and ultimately to improve the práctica.Hay various levels of impermanence but the most effective is the muerte.Impermanencia those things that change momentarily. When we see a friend like yesterday but it is not. Exhaust the minutes, days and months until death. Life is like water falling from a great mountain. Burda and Sutil.La can be gross impermanence is the change observed over time, such as a house collapse, the death of subtle impermanence alguienLa is difficult to observe directly the change that occurs moment to moment. All events or things from your generation has already begun its LAM RIM degeneración.En the meditation of death, has 3 roots: "Death is final" The moment of death is uncertain, at the time of death we have to abandon everything and we got the positive karma and negativity that time we can only Dharma ayudar.Antídotos for visions misinterpretation of the 1 st Noble Truth: The phenomena are called because they are contaminated products or because they have not been eliminated cheating. The 5 aggregates are connected with deception and they are empty. The contaminated aggregate is impermanent. The physical body has not stopped changing since we were born, which is contradictory to believe that the aggregates are permanentes.La Buddhist philosophy believes there an aggregate form and that is permanent and there a permanente.Los I do not Buddhists believe that the body produces pleasure and Buddhists believe that the body produces pain, suffering, and that the process of change is driven by ignorance and engaños.Los not Buddhists believe that the aggregates are clean and pure. To understand that the body is not pure is that I is vacío.4 º Absence of being or entity, would offset the 4 th miscalculation to believe that the aggregates are autoexistentes.Los Buddhists hold that the aggregates are not self-existence because they depend on causes and condiciones.Causas or origin of the 2 nd Noble VerdadPrimer aspect is that no cause, attachment and lust contaminado.El Karma is the cause. Suffering is not something that lacks causa.El suffering arises from these dos.El second aspect: suffering is caused by a single cause, attachment and lust are a source of pain again and vez.El third aspect: the belief that suffering is caused by God, and actually creates the Karma and engaños.La quarter inaccurate view, the antidote is to understand that all aspects act as contributory causes (conditions) for the cesación.Causa sufrimiento.Verdad of sufrimientoFuente of sufrimientoProducción release Samsara.Antídoto fuerte.Cesación is the vision that release cesación.El there is the state where it has completely abandoned the deceptions and Karma is the cessation cesación.La ensures that suffering does not occur más.Muchos Buddhists believe that the release is somewhat lower as liberaciónLa release is the elimination of suffering by the force of the antidotes, the causes are eliminated, the last thing is to believe that some level of deception is liberación.Creer release is something physical or is fitness, the antidote is the excellence of the cesación.Miedo own suffering? Where classified "Because real cessation is a source of health and felicidad.-believe that the deception after being eliminated entirely can re-emerge. "Once completely ceases not arise again" The truth of the Path. Erroneous views as non-existent-View the path to liberation, that emptiness is not the path-May certain level of concentration is the lighting-that there is no senderoEl path eradicate the 1 st view erróneaLa wisdom realizing directly vacuidadEste path acts as an antidote true to the deceptive total liberation because it destroys the root of pain and all deceit
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