Abortion and Slavery: Similar arguments
The Washington Post published a few years ago realidades.El similarity between the two parallel story is worth transcribing asombroso.Vale part, comparing the arguments of the supporters of slavery (E) with current pro-abortion (A):
(E) : Even if you have a heart and a brain and be considered biologically human, the slave is not "a person" under the law.
(A) : Even if you have a heart and a brain and be considered biologically human, the unborn child is not "a person" to her law.
(E): A black man gets his personality only to be released, before we should not worry about him because he has no right under the law.
(A): A child only acquires personality legal at birth, before we should not worry about him because he has no rights under the law.
(E): If you believe that slavery is wrong, no one forces you to have a slave, but do not impose their morality on others.
(A): If you believe abortion is wrong, no one forces you to do, but do not impose their morality on others.
(E): A man has the right to do whatever he wants with his property.
(A): A woman has the right would do what he wants with his body.
The abolition of slavery was a positive milestone in the history of mankind and now produces blush just thinking about its existence. Also come a day when unjust laws are abolished allowing abortion.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Monica Roccaforte 2010
* As discussed previously in an article in this blog entitled "Embryo and Human Dignity" (see), the zygote is the first human cell of any individual and marks the moment of new life.
* What distinguishes the zygote of any other human cells: the fact that a totipotent cell.
There is scientific evidence that the zygote is a new living being, belonging to the human species and is, therefore, a new persona.Algunos, sim, however, oppose this objection twins identical twins.
* If a zygote, they say, may be two embryos (through a division that takes place before day 14 of life) is not possible to say that the zygote is an individual, because this could be dos.Y argumrnto is could argue that human life started from day 14 of concepción.El twinning problem, they say, could be a barrier to defend the personal status of the embryo.
* What is twinning?: The division of the zygote into two embryos before implantation in the uterus and, of course, both have the same DNA (there are two people IDET).
The twinning is possible because the embryonic cells retain their ability totipotent in the first moments and the error of division can give rise to two separate individuals (this happens in 0.2% of pregnancies). In these cases, from the moment that is lost when the embryo totipotency can guarantee the uniqueness of the individual.
* We can therefore say that until day 14 is not possible to know whether the zygote results in a single individual or two, but that does not reveal what is there before the 14 th day life is not humana.No because let's say from one moment there are two lives we can conclude that what I had before was not human life.! Of course it is!: what else could it be?.
* To better understand The issue before us is to distinguish between individuality and the twinning phenomenon unicidad.El only means that genetic individuality does not mean the indivisibility, at least 0.2% of casos.Además, the fact of a division is not possible merely supports the continued development of embrión.Las two identities arising from this fact agree in their genetic identity because they come from a single zygote, but thong this point of separation are restructured as different individuals.
* The destruction of embryos (from the perspective of the twinning) presents an ethical problem even worse, because what is destroyed is not only a human life, but potentially more than one.
(The contents of this article has been extracted from an excellent job on the blog "Bioethics Today: bioeticahoy.com.es the 22-XII-2010.Autor: Agustín Losada)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Antec Vs Cooler Master Psu
twinning embryos and Around Gender Ideology
(Summary chapter IG of the book "In Defense of the family." Author: Benigno Blanco.Editorial: Espasa, 2010).
masterfully the author discusses in this chapter what the IG, whose main ideas and comments are summarized below:
* It is important to distinguish between feminism (movement to equal rights between women and the man, something just ) and GI (ideology or worldview that seeks to void the distinction between man and wife, itself absurd and perverse in its consequences.
* IG emerged in the mid-60's: the new feminist (radical, gender) and not talk about sex but gender and state that women's liberation is only achieved when disappearance of the distinction between man and woman . They raise the class struggle between the oppressors (men) and the oppressed class (women).
* They say that in terms of sexuality there is nothing that is natural: everything is a construction be modified to release the mujerdebe voluntad.Para articulated a society in which masculine and feminine but not relevant to sexual freedom, diversity affective sexual unrelated to the two sexes clásicos.Es say there is no male nor female, but a cultural product that is continually changing (and each one chooses at each stage of life their "identity" sexual, others must recognize and accept)
* What do you mean feminism gender: feminine aims to end by overcoming the distinction between men and women in all walks of life.and male nor female: just gender (affective-sexual orientation is creating a freely as you mood and can change throughout your life). And to close the gap between man and woman is essential to end the marriage and the family (structures of oppression of women according to this ideology).
is intended ultimately to achieve a classless society sexos.Y to insist on this thing called "deconstruction": the meaning of language change, rewrite history, ethics and redo and redo law sexuality as outside the male-female duality and detached from reproduction.
* The IG has and seeks to impose its own terminología.Así, speaks of "gender" rather than "sex" because it indicates the cultural construction of gender, free and own staff sexualidad.Utiliza the term "emotional-sexual orientation "Instead of talking about men and mujeres.El term" homophobia "is unusual in its language to attack those who disagree their points of vista.La term "reproductive rights" involves a systematic attack on the vida.Hablan of "polymorphous sexuality" to indicate that any type of sexual practice is equally valid ......
* The IG has its own political agenda in our country, we see embodied in the legislative process Zapatero since 2004: Gender Violence Act, Act of gay marriage, "express divorce" law techniques assisted reproduction law on biomedical research, law governing transsexuality and the recent law on abortion.
* And what about the "thinkers" of the IG?. Most ended up committing suicide or in mental hospitals because the IG is a destructive spiral that affects not only society but their own "intellectual". The biographies of the leading theoreticians (W. Reich, A. Kinsey, G. Bataille, M. Foucoult,
M. Sanger , M. Mead, S. Firestone, K. Millett, G. Greer .....) are riddled with self-destructive episodes that reveal the moral rot of their minds disturbed (Weekly ALBA 31-XII-2010).
* The worst thing in Spain is that Zapatero's government wants this destructive ideology dominate the new education law under which liability must educate our hijos.El English socialism of the XXI century to follow the guidelines of the sickly intellectuals of the IG, destroys the foundations of human dignity ( especially women), destroying vital institutions of society (marriage and family).
* The book's author ends his discussion of the IG exposing very suggestive aspects on how to fight tells the IG, to encourage everyone to be read.
* Further reading:
-La ideolgía of género.J.Trillo-Figueroa.Ed.LibrosLibres, 2009
-Gender ideology (brochure). SOSFamilia, 2010 (sosfamilia.es)
-Male and female he created . CEE.2004 Document (conferenciaepiscopal.es)
-Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem, "John Paul II
Christian in today's society (DVD). Goya Producciones, 2008 (goyaproducciones.es)
-Ideology gender or gender as a tool poder.J.Scala.Ed.Sekotia, 2011
-See also other entries on this subject in this blog
(Summary chapter IG of the book "In Defense of the family." Author: Benigno Blanco.Editorial: Espasa, 2010).
masterfully the author discusses in this chapter what the IG, whose main ideas and comments are summarized below:
* It is important to distinguish between feminism (movement to equal rights between women and the man, something just ) and GI (ideology or worldview that seeks to void the distinction between man and wife, itself absurd and perverse in its consequences.
* IG emerged in the mid-60's: the new feminist (radical, gender) and not talk about sex but gender and state that women's liberation is only achieved when disappearance of the distinction between man and woman . They raise the class struggle between the oppressors (men) and the oppressed class (women).
* They say that in terms of sexuality there is nothing that is natural: everything is a construction be modified to release the mujerdebe voluntad.Para articulated a society in which masculine and feminine but not relevant to sexual freedom, diversity affective sexual unrelated to the two sexes clásicos.Es say there is no male nor female, but a cultural product that is continually changing (and each one chooses at each stage of life their "identity" sexual, others must recognize and accept)
* What do you mean feminism gender: feminine aims to end by overcoming the distinction between men and women in all walks of life.and male nor female: just gender (affective-sexual orientation is creating a freely as you mood and can change throughout your life). And to close the gap between man and woman is essential to end the marriage and the family (structures of oppression of women according to this ideology).
is intended ultimately to achieve a classless society sexos.Y to insist on this thing called "deconstruction": the meaning of language change, rewrite history, ethics and redo and redo law sexuality as outside the male-female duality and detached from reproduction.
* The IG has and seeks to impose its own terminología.Así, speaks of "gender" rather than "sex" because it indicates the cultural construction of gender, free and own staff sexualidad.Utiliza the term "emotional-sexual orientation "Instead of talking about men and mujeres.El term" homophobia "is unusual in its language to attack those who disagree their points of vista.La term "reproductive rights" involves a systematic attack on the vida.Hablan of "polymorphous sexuality" to indicate that any type of sexual practice is equally valid ......
* The IG has its own political agenda in our country, we see embodied in the legislative process Zapatero since 2004: Gender Violence Act, Act of gay marriage, "express divorce" law techniques assisted reproduction law on biomedical research, law governing transsexuality and the recent law on abortion.
* And what about the "thinkers" of the IG?. Most ended up committing suicide or in mental hospitals because the IG is a destructive spiral that affects not only society but their own "intellectual". The biographies of the leading theoreticians (W. Reich, A. Kinsey, G. Bataille, M. Foucoult,
M. Sanger , M. Mead, S. Firestone, K. Millett, G. Greer .....) are riddled with self-destructive episodes that reveal the moral rot of their minds disturbed (Weekly ALBA 31-XII-2010).
* The worst thing in Spain is that Zapatero's government wants this destructive ideology dominate the new education law under which liability must educate our hijos.El English socialism of the XXI century to follow the guidelines of the sickly intellectuals of the IG, destroys the foundations of human dignity ( especially women), destroying vital institutions of society (marriage and family).
* The book's author ends his discussion of the IG exposing very suggestive aspects on how to fight tells the IG, to encourage everyone to be read.
* Further reading:
-La ideolgía of género.J.Trillo-Figueroa.Ed.LibrosLibres, 2009
-Gender ideology (brochure). SOSFamilia, 2010 (sosfamilia.es)
-Male and female he created . CEE.2004 Document (conferenciaepiscopal.es)
-Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem, "John Paul II
Christian in today's society (DVD). Goya Producciones, 2008 (goyaproducciones.es)
-Ideology gender or gender as a tool poder.J.Scala.Ed.Sekotia, 2011
-See also other entries on this subject in this blog
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