Friday, September 10, 2010

Strongest Deodorant For Females

"morning-after pill" -2009 New

Updated and controversial aspects of the PDS:
1. What is PDS?. is a hormonal preparation (progestin) called levonorgestrel synthesis (LNG) market in Spain with the names and Norlevo Postinor. is taken orally (1500 mg single dose or 750 mg every 12 hours) within 72 hours after intercourse "protected" to try to avoid embarazo.Su effectiveness is reduced as time passes in this period.
2. mechanism of action. depends on the time of the menstrual cycle in which tome.Actúa primarily by inhibiting ovulation (contraceptive effect) or preventing a fertilized egg (new life) nest in the endometrium (abortifacient). Other possible mechanisms (modification cervical mucus characteristics, altered tubal motility, interfering with corpus luteum ...) could also be implicados.El abortive effect would occur at least 50% of cases.
3. Ethics Rating PDS. There are those who deny that the PDS has an abortifacient effect because, according to the WHO (not scientific but a political body), pregnancy begins when the embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity (a concept not supported by all scientists and against current evidence that life begins at fertilization).
The ethics rating does not depend on PDS, sim, however, that interrupted or pregnancy, but that as a result of its action antiimplantatoria ends a human life has already begun its work.
Women who decide to take the PDS have the right to receive accurate information about the exact mechanism of the PDS, without manipulation intended the Ministry of Health and some other "smart-ass."
4. Are there side effects the PDS?. Yes, frequent, mainly: gastrointestinal disturbances, headache, abnormal menstruation, vaginal bleeding, risk of ectopic pregnancy, possible thromboembolic events ...
LNG dose of the PDS is 20 times higher than the normal pill, so it is considered a real "bomb" hormonal.
The prospect of Postinor can (could) read: "its use is not recommended for girls, because available data in adolescents under 16 years are very limited."
The English Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has amended the prospectus of the PDS for "closer" to users, eliminating some of its previous content.The Ministry of Health (which is also "concerned" for our health) has published a brochure that is "clear" side effects and its abortifacient effect.
5. In addition to side effects contraindications does the PDS? . Yes
-Not to be taken when there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy
"I could be contraindicated in women with a propensity to present thromboembolic events (eg, women with lupus or other blood disorders)
-Warning in the prospectus Norlevo: contraindicated in patients with Crohn's enfermadad
-can interfere with the metabolism of other drugs, eg anticonvulsants
And there is no specific antidote for organophosphate
Therefore (and for other reasons stated in this post) is not advisable-the-counter without medical control of the PDS
6. Effectiveness PDS. true efficacy is unknown because there is no test PDS-placebo.Según indirect estimates is attributed an efficiency between 49% and 85% (percentages refer to the relative reduction in risk of becoming pregnant after having taken .)
7. The PDS does not reduce surgical abortions, in contrast to those reported by actual.Esto political propaganda has been shown in countries around us (Britain, France ...) and nuestro.La PDS was introduced in Spain in 2001 (the year were distributed 160,000 U) and in subsequent years, increased consumption (in 2005 it distributed 506,000 U). The abortion grew 45% in this period and rate in children under age of 19 rose 8.29% or 12.53% o.
8. The PDS can increase STD / AIDS RISG to induce a false sense of security in sexual relationships among youth.
9. Current Issue PDS counter in pharmacies. the counter without a prescription from 1.9.2009 is creating serious problems (science and of consciousness) to pharmacists.
Will ultimately responsible for the possible serious side effects may occur?.
Are real opportunities to inform and warn the user correctly?. Should they sell the PDS to any girl without knowing her real age? (We should not forget that the legal consent for sex is given full from 13 years: what to do with a girl of 12 years?). Should they denounce the manipulation of information which is the "new prospect" of the Competent Authority and the pamphlet published by the Ministry of Sanudo?. For as the RD1345/07, 11 October: "The record modification of a drug must contain the new scientific and health data to justify the reevaluation of the same "(and this has not happened in the case of the PDS, which should be reported).
10. The free sale of the PDS has a political and ideological purpose. What is sought is a non-surgical abortion (which apply presciban and women themselves) to reduce the number of surgical abortions (more complex and difficult to perform accepted by public opinion).
11. In short: NO why the PDS?:
- destroys lives
-surgical abortions does not reduce
-May increase STD / AIDS
-Lack of medical supervision and the free market are negative aspects
- The Ministry of Health has handled important data on the PDS
-not properly informed women
"It violates the right of parents to protect the sexual education of their daughters to remove any control over acquisition
-not respected professional behavior and ethics of farmacétuticos
-Su OTC farmaciasobedece to political and ideological reasons, ignoring the value of nascent human life
recommended readings and Web
1. J.Aznar.Mechanisme of action of morning-after pill.Medicina e Morale (International Journal of Bioethics), 2009 / 3 (excellent review of the literature with 19 references)
2 . Burgo.Píldora C. Lopez of the day after Concepts clave.En:
sexualidad_fertilidad (point: research / thesis PhD) (gives 33 citations of the most prestigious international journals)
3. G.López.Contracepción emergency, post-pill coital.En: Abortion and Contraception.
EUNSA publishing company, 2009 (references updated)
4. JVSilvestre.Consideraciones and usage of the "morning after pill" interception postcoital.Boletíb Valenciano Pharmacotherapy, February 2001 ( http: / / )
5. Abortion on the rise despite the PDS.Aceprensa 11-X-2006
7. Objections of science and conciencia.Semanario Alba 9-X-2009 ( )
8. See the "whole truth about the DDA" (brochure can be achieved in or on the phone 91.552.78.23)
9. Professional Platform pharmaceuticals (and statements). Semanario Alpha and Omega 10-XII-2009 ( ) and ( )
10 . JCAbellán.Los M. López Barahona and Codes of Life (p.21). Ed.Homolegens, 2009