Saturday, June 26, 2010

Starting Salaries Occupational Therapist

RELIGION Battle of Ayacucho

In Tahuantinsuyo was an extraordinary range of gods, rites, ceremonies and priests. Virtually every ayllu and each kingdom had its own patron god. Apart from that there was a god for every human activity. As we see, the Inca religion was polytheistic. The chief priest in charge of conducting religious ceremonies was known as Umu Huillac, considered the high priest. It could be a close relative of the Inca, Inca probably Hurin Cusco. Pachacutec
was to be restructured religion. Thereafter, the cult of the Sun or Inti would be the most important. INKA DIVINITIES

Upon Inca expansion, they did not seek to impose their gods. Thus, the solar cult was reported only to the local nobility but not throughout the empire. The common people continued to worship their ancestors converted to mallquis (mummies) and their local gods, represented in statues of clay, wood, stone or metal and who infused life. They believed that their gods were not wrong in their answers and seeking to please them all because they could punish. Some of these gods had predated the Inca expansion and achieved widespread regional. Among the major gods may be mentioned:
a) Inti or sun: it was considered a god on earth fertilizer and gave health, peace and life.
b) Hiracocha: Andean myths are often presented as the creator of all that exists. That's why it was called the "doer." He was revered throughout the empire, was a god worshiped since before the Incas.

c) Illapa: identified as lightning or thunder. It was the most revered in the Sierra.

d) Pariacaca: identified by torrential rains.
e) Pachamama, the earth goddess who was offered fruit to people and animals.
f) Pachacamac: was the god who gave the earth movement that is controlled by the earthquakes. It was the most revered on the coast.

religious sacrifices every day, at dawn, the ordinary priests or hatun villca killed a white blaze on his temple. After being slaughtered animal, tore the heart and lungs and blood sprayed with the image of the sun If the rite was not done carefully, could cause great evils, such as drought or heavy rainfall. But not only sacrificed animals. For a long time the Peruvian investigators refused to accept the existence of practices of human sacrifice among the Incas. Today too many evidence to continue to deny. However, apparently, they did not reach the volume of the sacrifices practiced by other American cultures as the Mayas and Aztecs.
Tahuantinsuyo The sacrifices were made in the conviction of pleasing the gods. Even some saw them as a privilege. The chronicler Hernandez Principe's daughter has a curaca was taken to Cusco to be sacrificed for the health of the Inca. The body of the girl returned and become curaca mummy was flattered to have a new huaca or divinity.

Andean Cosmology
's worldview becomes the set of ideas you have on the world to which we belong. The Incas believed the world was divided into three parts:
• The anampacha or upper world (heaven), place of residence of the stars like the sun, moon and stars.
• The kaypacha or underworld, is the place where all living beings, men plants and animals.
• The utcupacha or underworld, is located beneath us, here are the dead.

These three worlds were connected to each other through situations and special items. For example, the Inca and the Coya were those who could communicate to the men of the ananpacha kaypacha. The roots and stems of plants, however, connecting the terrestrial world with utcupacha kaipacha.
Management and Interpretation of Information
a) Make a mental map of the Inca religion.
b) Make a table Inca comparative religion and the Christian religion. List at least five differences and two similarities.
c) Research: What are the festival of Inti Raymi? With the information you get prepared a brochure that combines text and images.

a) The Incas and other peoples practiced human sacrifices to please their gods. Currently, it is impossible to do, why?
b) What types of actions, as Christians we are able to realize that our God was pleased? Write 4 shares.
Draw a picture on the worldview that had the Incas. (A4 bond sheet)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rabbit Hutch In Hedge End

-2010 abortion law to SECURITIES

* The "Act of sexual and reproductive health and abortion" (Organic Law 2 / 2010, to March 3) will enter into force on 5-July -2010.Contempla, in addition to free abortion, sex education compulsory in all schools and from a "gender perspective", ie focusing on promiscuity and the standardization of any sexual practice (and it is easy to imagine his perverse and aberrant content)
* Given the enormous gravity of the issue is necessary to mobilize, inform and improve our training in aspects just exponer.Nos Was, therefore, of great interest to recommend the reading and study of an excellent paper published by the English Episcopal Conference (EEC) on 17-June-2009 removed all the arguments of the government to approve / justify this ley.El document title is: Declaration on the draft "law on abortion" threaten the lives of those who will be born, become "right" .
We present below a brief summary of the master document (full content available on the website of the CEE: )
1. The mere wish of the mother canceled (under the new law) the right to life of the unborn.
This aspect is perhaps the most serious of the Act the first 14 weeks, the mother decides on the death of the unborn: the violation of the right to life is treated as if it were a right.
Recalls the paper that "the rights relative to life is not granted by the state, but a prior right to it ... that the State has an obligation to protect" What
the sense of right would put time limits to life if it begins at the moment of fertilization?: why within 14 weeks?, why not a little earlier or a little later?
should also be remembered that abortion (as Vatican II) is an "abominable crime"
2.'s Health as an excuse to eliminate (through week 22) to which they are born.
This means, in practice, abortion on demand until week 22 and is a serious misrepresentation because abortion is never matar.El abortion cure but also may seriously harm the physical and psychological mujer.Todo is a big lie and the woman is the injured
3. It denies or devalues human beings to justify their removal.
Without any scientific base fragments the length of gestation in three installments, as if before a certain point the fetus is not a being humano.Ello goes against scientific evidence and the English case (art. 15 of the Constitution and Case 53/1985 of 11 April TC)
4. It does not rely on women to save the trauma of abortion and its serious consequences (which are intensified in people who have not yet reached sufficient maturity: adolescent children ...)
not provide aid to women so they can make the decision not to abort, but everything contrario.Y not taken into account at all, the figure of father.
5. Is left to the individual's life to be born, rather than recognizing it as a fundamental elememto establishing the common good that deserves protection and promotion.
6. Education (as we noted at the beginning), orchestrated in the service of abortion.
This law also imposes a moral sex education and abortion is based on the principles of the "ideology of gender" (contrary to the Constitution, which in its art. 27-3 guarantees the freedom of parents to choose the education they want for their children)
ABORTION AND SLAVERY (author's final comments of the blog): In the middle of the nineteenth century human beings have U.S. looked as normal as having heads ganado.La acceptance of slavery was assumed by the Southern Americans and abolitionists favored only break a social scourge as brutal.
Today history repeats itself in many countries: it speaks of the right to kill unborn children (that is abortion), but more and more people (branded as extremists by the 'liberal') oppose brutalidad.Llegará such a day that will be the ethical degradation of a society that kills its unborn helpless children and abortionists of today are ashamed of having acted as perversamente.Y as in the case of slavery the right end imposed.
And we finish these comments going to recommend the magnificent Documet of the EEC on the new abortion law (also known as "law Aido)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Variations on a theme of love. Coda Finale

Coda-Finale. If I forget thee, Salua, I punish the world and the random force of a relentless and unforgiving old god, who expelled me to hell without mercy the eternal recurrence of all errors. If I forget thee, love, pity there is not enough to my torments. Again to end the world if you forget that every moment is over and there is no consolation to let me live memories again. There is nothing left if I forget and fade from my mistakes and my successes also disappear my name and my story.

I love you until the end of world as we swear a lot. I want no part of me still as a shadow and deleted what was not and never return. Because you will not be, love will not be in the days following the end inevitable that we build, I think, even against our possible futures. You will not be to guide my pen, or to inspire my lyrics. You will not be among the infinite love poems that I have left to read, nor among all the novels, sad or not, where will look at your reflection and not feel worthy and to share with you a piece of imagined existence. You're not even your name is still infinite and lonely, your name has to grow only into oblivion and denial incontestable in your absence.

're not anymore and because I knew expel the last moment, according to your desire, beyond where words can reach you. Words, just words like you said. Words are our legacy, and that no repentance or apology will know to return the flavor and appearance of truth. I do not know if we lie, if every promise and oath were false, but the time and what we rewrite each moment and say lie. You lie, Salu, whom I can not I forget, but I also treatment, because after all, for fear, by destination or by violence, we destroy our world.

the end we have nothing if not words. Your last name will be written by only the sum of three words that will lock your image but only the sum of my dreams and my disappointments. My name, hopefully you'll never pronounce but only in dreams, mythology may be the end of your scorn love. But nevertheless, I kept my promise. My words, I love you, Salua, will outlast the world and death. Maybe that's why I know not forget, and if I forget you, punish me with the hatred of an old god and friendless. Do not forget even if you lack and my endless love last as long as you have forgotten. Words, words that are written a longer history than your body and my baby.

We parted with something like a kiss and a hug. But we also parted with harsh words and lies and silences. We said goodbye absent, silent or overt threats of those who call themselves your friends, of those who say that you want. Hopefully. I kept silence, and if you speak, it was only to ask that you take care and do not bring more pain your way. I do not know if what you have said or lied. I guess I imagine resentful and angry, but you are wrong. At the end my thoughts and wishes were nicer than my actions. I can only hope that all wounds heal.

Heal as the stigmata of fire and teeth with which I circled endlessly. Heal and heals with time and lack of novelty. You will heal you, I beg to dream, will heal all the wounds they did to your soul before me, all wounds heal did not know or understand myself and, ultimately, the enemy forced you to look at me and I deleted all traces what I wanted to be. You will heal, will heal, because I wanted to be and you let me no longer matters. Is just what I am. And what I am bearing your name etched in blood, ink and wax do not forget. Will heal, my old lost love, if we remind ourselves and not to repeat in other faces and other hands, such as repeating yourself in my hands the fears of other times.

No matter the story we tell each one by hand, more stories full of longing and fear than truth or anything. The story is that we wanted and therefore gave us moments of happiness, but also why whole sleepless nights, tears and goodbye. For we want to finish. And because we did not know. For the love ended in something like hatred and that hatred was born a distant love that will not be, neither I nor anyone.

After we're you and I am. But we will not. After us, these words to make mistakes and successes. Words that will witness the scars, but will be the indelible traces of the horrible way that I loved. We got hurt, Salua, but will heal if you choose. And every day I'll love you even if you're not happy until you are. From time to time say your name so do not forget to summarize in a word infinite and lonely all the happiness I wanted to give you and I could not, but also all the pain that I avoided even if you wanted. In your name I have not ever forgive you. And if I forget you love, pity there is not enough to my torment. To clear the comfort of this world is only what I am and I can not be. And even worse if you forgive.

Sorry Salua. Take in life, the weight of my guilt and yours. And if you ever forget you, come the world and repeat. But also take the baby born with no end of guilt, which turned it down without making you guilty final, even more than me. For the last time, with your name in mind, I raise my pen to write your name. For the last time I say goodbye to each name that I learned to call. And I say final goodbye Lomaram. Inom goodbye. To never love jirafita sad. Farewell, Salua, because you do not forget. Because even if you're not, you'll be in my old words as promised without lying at all, I love you without end. I love you without end and without right. I love you but you are not and will not be. Although I will not forgive.

If I forget thee, Salua, I punish the world and remind me what I am. And even worse if you forgive. Forget me if you can, until it is in your mind or in mine and that this will come peace or punishment. But I'll take you into the body without forgetting and no forgiveness, because it depends not repeat yourself in your body or others with another face and hands. 'll Add to our guilt until you get your happiness. And even later.

lift the pen and write:

I love you, Salua, without end. For the last time your nombre, Salua Aramoni Quintero, que acaso baste para para dar paso en silencio a la distancia en que no estarás aunque te quise sin final.

Silencio sostenido



Octubre 20, 2009 — Junio 01 de 2010