a couple of months ago, before the holidays, I promised I'd write a little tribute to the great Cronopio, for his unpublished book and everything. What I never imagined is that in July I first invented in the last round, as you can attest to all my friends that I know half obsessed with reading Wittgenstein. Curious in that same set of images and words, Cortázar also answered the question most often made at the humble author of these lines: what is yonosevivir? I leave the image as a preliminary-word that he loved to July-the future post that will replace all this, and an invitation to read the Last Round. Besides a couple of pictures of the tomb of Cronopio, his name next to Carol Dunlop. There, at the gravestone, with its green and solitary animal, written in two names with their dates, I found the best definition of love, or quotations from Wittgenstein, or Marcuse or the bitch that bore us all. That is what yonosevivir, that one does not become cronopio, though I try, if half famous, half hope.