Monday, June 29, 2009

What Kind Of Earphones For Nintendo


FRIENDS HERE IS THE SECOND YEAR WORK FOR REASONS I do not understand did not appear before:
The Inca Empire was a class society, ie people were divided according to their position. Tahuantinsuyo
existed in the following classes: Class Leader (made by royalty and nobility) and the dominated class (consisting of the People). ROYALTY

consisted of the Inca, the Coya and their children.

The Inca
He was on the cusp of Tahuantinsuyo. It was also called zapainca, single word meaning king.
His person was worthy of worship. For example, was born in litter throughout the empire together with a large number of servers, each time someone requested an audience with him, had to do with his head down, with a stone on his back in an attitude of reverence. Even when people learned that the Inca was approaching your area, ran to the foot of the hills and made the ritual of mocha, ie plucked eyebrows are a sign of reverence.

to the official list of all the Incas who ruled the Tahuantinsuyo was called "Capac Cuna", and was divided into two dynasties: Hurin Cusco (in Cusco) and Hanan Cuzco (High Cusco). It is believed that the Incas Hanan belonged to the group were important for all military and economic, while the Incas Hurin group devoted solely to the priestly activities. Here we see that dualism was also applied to the government to have two ruling Incas.

The Coya
was the lawful wife and sister "of the Inca ruler. It is important to note that the term "sister (o)" was used in prehispanic Peru to refer to all members of an ayllu, which was a non-nuclear extended family, they were the same age. English chroniclers misunderstood what was seen as the Coya as sister Inca direct. It was believed that she was the daughter of the Moon and representative of all women.

The Sons of Inca
received different names, so for example:
a) Pihuichuri: such was the legitimate children of the Inca.
b) Auqui: he was the heir to the throne. It had to be legitimate son of the Coya Inca and have great skills.
c) Ñusta: She was the daughter of the Inca that the marriage was called palla. NOBILITY

The Cuzco nobility lived in Panaca or ayllus organized real. Its members were bound together by ties of kinship, and their parents were the Incas both the deceased and those who were in power. There were three classes of nobles:

Blood Nobles, were the closest relatives of the Inca ruler. They lived in real ayllus panacas or were entitled to land, property and yanaconas. They wore heavy earrings as a badge, which made his ears grow longer than normal, hence the English were given the name "apricot."
Abvenedizos Nobles, were the chiefs and leaders of nations that were conquered and subjugated by the Incas.
Privilege Nobles, were people who had become in noble will of the Inca, as a reward due to a heroic action or because the conquered regions curacas.

male nobles enjoyed a number of privileges and occupied important administrative positions. Therefore, from a young age should undergo a training period in the yachayhuasi or house of learning, under the guidance of a teacher called amautas. The education of noble ceremony concluded with the Huarache after which the young nobles, were considered adults.

consisted of:

Jatunrunas, and was designated the common man and current living in ayllus Tahuantinsuyo. It is engaged mainly in agriculture and handicrafts.

acllas, women of all ages were selected based on their abilities to perform special services. They were detained in houses acllahuasis or chosen. They were prepared for spinning, weaving, preparing chicha and food specialties. Some acllas came from the nobility but the vast majority coming from the people. Acllas were classified as: acllas del Sol, who came from the nobility and were responsible for developing chicha and food for special occasions. Acllas of State, responsible for weaving State clothing. They were chosen by the Inca as wives to the chiefs of other peoples. The tachy acllas or female singers.

The Mitimaes, were people who by order of the Inca left their home to be moved to a new territory that has just been conquered, to lead the Quechua culture or care for the empire's borders Tahuantinsuyo. However, some mitimaes had left their home as punishment for having stirred up the Inca. The

Yanaconas were the servants of the nobles, in other words the yanaconas were servitude people who had lost all their rights.

The Piñas, men were subject to the condition of slaves. It is believed that the Inca cultivated coca.


1. Explains
a) Why do you say that the Inca was considered divine?
b) Was it really the sister of Coya Inca?
c) What difference existed among the Incas of Hanan and Hurin?
d) What is the difference between ayllu and panaca?

2. Make a box scheme on groups social that made the people in the Tahuantinsuyo. Consider: name and role (s).

3. Replies:
. If you were a jatunruna your main function would .......................................... ................
. If you were the crown prince would have to have .......................................... ............
. If you were a mitimae your function would ........................................... ..................................
. If you were a (a) pineapple would have to ......................................... ...........................................
. If you were a noble man would study at a place called ........................................ ...

4. True or false:
. Hanan the Incas were responsible for performing religious functions.
. The Coya was considered a daughter of the moon.
. The servants were yanaconas acllas.
. Acllas were locked in a place called yachayhuasi.
. The Capac Cuna was the official list of the Inca rulers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Alpine Type R 10 2 Ohm Wiring Diagram

Cortázar called Red Clay rules! Silence

The friendly reader who from time to time appears in these desert places full of letters, he knows that is not the style of this humble blogger to create entries from a bad image because photographer and believes that it is all a thing of the devil. Today we must make an exception because it is a day of long tablecloths that the humble author would like to recommend an excellent magazine that had time to go looking and eager to read: Red Clay, whose latest issue finally arrived today in my hands.

got the magazine courtesy of María Vázquez, the very chief of the whole operation, who is also author of several books, an excellent photographer and editor, I believe that with a masters and everything. For you, Mary, all my gratitude for having uncovered the bottle into the sea for some time.

The magazine is excellent, with a visual and written content is presented with balance and elegance. The magazine is like one of those smart friends, who can speak about serious things without too much gravity and enjoy the pleasures without snobbery we all like provided they are tasteful. The concerts, policy and the window to the world of photography. Red Clay is the person whose absence is always felt on the coffee table, which always has something to say, but never talk the talk. It's that friend that you're proud because it won support from the FONCA pulse.

Red Clay is available in Zacatecas, but also in libraries and the FES Conaculta Acatlán, UNAM. Moreover, one can subscribe by calling - (+52) (492) 899 0890 - or by writing to

I like Red Clay. And open a new magazine has always been a pleasant ritual. Knowing that there are many letters waiting and images of so many latitudes and trends. It is a window into chaos or diversity, as in the stationary odor ink and new paper that comes from a magazine is something special, almost a vice. So I read the editorial on the front page and then I met my paredros in the index, announced in transforntera section, page 32. My paredros says something about a film of Jim Carrey, 23, but do not know.

Full text and readable of the Valley of Screams can read here. The truth is that hard to believe, that you smile with some disbelief, with some fear. The truth is my paredros looks at Mary, as if seeing an apparition on canvas Luois David Gaspar, my paredros smiles and hugs, and aims to make you feel a sense of reality or certainty. But my paredros had a difficult morning, a body concerned at the university, in the streets and sidewalks in a month will be the setting for all his days, overwhelmed him a sentence well above corrupt and also carries a sleepless night. So do not touch or smile, or silence are enough to convince him that things are happening. My paredros think, to get out and about in the car, which was perhaps a bit terse and unfriendly, and hopes that Mary did not take it too seriously, and are some meetings, so are some mornings where good, the best news are somewhat marred by the unpleasant reality. Sorry, as an echo, so feel my paredros. But we promise, Maga, which will soon be celebrating.

And of course, my paredros is a kind of little patience, those who commit outrages and occasional lack of sensitivity for pure emotion or expectation. Are legendary gaffes in their professional examination, with more than one girlfriend or love interest, with all your friends. My paredros knows nothing of self-censorship. And for that, which was immediately made to turn to Page 32, as a child that rushes on the jar biscuits, which runs after gifts for Christmas, which celebrates its birthday with secret greed. But we are all well and have some of my paredros so who can blame him?

My paredros, and I at his side, slowly devour the lyrics, we recognize that dedication old, years ago, we looked at each other and would like to tell "See? comply!" but perhaps have to fight again Street and neither wins we have. A show just stupid enough in life. So silent and still excited about reading, my paredros seems to want to throw the house out the window and also follow him, rushing headlong through the hell of it. He changes the page and reveals the end we all know, recognizes letters and smiles. My paredros smiles, for months and months since I saw him smile. What style so poor, muttering that something so trivial, still, muttering, he insists. So I interrupt. The words ripped from its source and not something that can be judged, but there are short and strong words, mean more than all the ravings of my paredros.

"Keep writing," said Mary and her voice also discussed the fate and necessity. Keep writing because you can not make another thing. Why do you look for more or try to, or invent the world more to your liking, you will be satisfied.

* * *

I suppose the educated public and expert recognized my unfortunate tribute to Cortázar in this post. It's my way of saying, welcome back. Because for better or for worse, with almost five hundred rose cronopio unpublished pages of "unexpected role, courtesy of Alfaguara. And that's what I found out yesterday, makes me suspicious of the fate and future. But there will be a special post in July.