Mandala means circle in Sanskrit. This word is also known as wheel and all. Beyond its definition as a word, from the spiritual point of view es un centro energético de equilibrio y purificación que ayuda a transformar el entorno y la mente. También se le define como un sistema ideográfico contenedor de un espacio sagrado.
Los mandalas son utilizados desde tiempos remotos. Tienen su origen en la India y se propagaron en las culturas orientales, en las indígenas de América y en los aborígenes de Australia. En la cultura occidental, fue Carl G. Jung, quien los utilizó en terapias con el objetivo de alcanzar la búsqueda de individualidad en los seres humanos. Jung solía interpretar sus sueños dibujando un mándala diariamente, en esta actividad descubrió la relación que éstos tenían with its center and from there developed a theory about the structure of the human psyche.
According to Carl Jung, mandalas represent the totality of mind, covering both the conscious and the unconscious. He stated that the archetype of these drawings is firmly anchored in the collective subconscious.
Mandalas are also defined as a cosmological diagram which can be used for meditation. It consists of a series of concentric geometric forms arranged in different visual levels. The most basic forms used are: circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. These
Figures can be created in a two-dimensional or three dimensional. For example, in India there are a large number of temples made in the form of mandalas. The designs are varied, but maintained similar characteristics: a content center and cardinal points in circles and arranged with a certain symmetry.
According to psychology, the mandala represents the human being. Interacting with them helps to heal the psychic and spiritual fragmentation, to express your creativity and re connect with your essential being. It's like starting a journey into your heart, it opens doors previously unknown and calls forth your inner wisdom. Integrate them into your life you will center and a sense of calm amid the storm.
work meditation with mandalas may consist of observation or drawing them. In the first case, only to sit in a comfortable, rhythmic breathing and achieve a deep and dispose yourself to observe a mandala of your choice, can lead to a relaxed state and feel more alert to the events that happen around you . The observation process can last between three and five minutes.
In the second case, you can draw or color mandalas. We recommend that if you vinculándote with these images, start by painting. To do this, choose a model that inspires you, select the tools (crayons, markers, watercolors, for example), then Settle into a quiet place. You can put music if you like and start your work. There are various techniques, it all depends on your mood and what you want to paint the mandala you forward. If you feel you need help to externalize your emotions, you can color from the inside out, if instead, you find your center, paint from the inside out.
This is a job that can make anyone, regardless of their age or religion. It is a simple practice that will result in benefits personal services and l to achieve internal balance.
Benefits draw or paint mandalas
1) Top work of active meditation.
2) Contact your essence.
3) You will express better with the outside world.
4) Help expand your consciousness.
5) Development of patience.
6) Awakening of the senses. Is likely to start seeing what's around you with other eyes.
7) start listening to the voice of your intuition.
8) will accept you and you want more.
9) will heal you physically and mentally.
forms and meanings
Mandalas are not simple colored patterns. All elements are integrated in them have meaning. Meet some of the most used:
Circle: movement. All. The real me.
Heart: sun. Love Happiness. Joy. Sense of togetherness.
Cruz: union of heaven and earth. Life and death. Conscious and unconscious.
Square: processes of nature. Stability. Balance.
Star: symbol of the spiritual. Freedom. Elevation.
Spiral: vitality. Healing powers. Constant search for wholeness.
Hexagon: union of opposites.
Labyrinth: involves the pursuit of the center itself.
Butterfly: self-renewal of the soul. Transformation and death.
Pentagon silhouette of the human body. Land, water, fire.
Rectangle: stability. Performance the intellect. Mortality.
Triangle water, unconscious (down), vitality, transformation (up), aggression toward self (center)
What colors mean?
The use of colors in mandalas also has a special meaning . Its use is related to mood of the person who paints or draws. Discover what lies behind every hue:
White anything, purity, illumination, perfection.
Black: death, personal constraint, mystery, rebirth, ignorance.
Gray: neutrality, wisdom, renewal.
Red: men, sensuality, love, rooting, passion.
Blue: tranquility, peace, happiness, satisfaction, joy.
Yellow: sun, light, cheerfulness, friendliness, responsiveness.
Orange: energy, drive, ambition, tenderness, courage.
Rosa: women and children issues, gentleness, unselfishness.
Purple: neighborly love, idealism and wisdom.
Green nature, balance, growth, hope.
Violet: music, magic, spirituality, transformation, inspiration.
Gold: wisdom, clarity, lucidity and vitality.
Silver: extrasensory abilities, fluctuating emotions, welfare.
this is a video uploaded to youtube by my dear friend Xavi Duacastilla. Tibetan Buddhism