Peru News
appear in Spain
When the first news about Peru, the English company had assimilated in his imagination the idea that housed America's newfound vast kingdoms, rich in precious metals ; waiting to be discovered and conquered. The feat of Cortez to conquer the Aztec empire did not only confirm this idea.La arrival of the news from Peru to English ears is related to the progressive geographical discoveries that led to the colonization of America. Thus, the Tahuantinsuyo made its appearance in the English imagination from discovery of the South Sea (Pacific Ocean today.) Tradition says he was Panquiaco, son of the chief Comagre, who spoke for the first time Biru, a kingdom which he described as big and rich, what sparked the interest of the English and the land south of Panama. The trip Pascual de Andagoya and similar expeditions were made to the southern Pacific coast, fueled this interest to collect more references to this mythical kingdom.

In Panama City, by hearing the news that circulated about the existence of the fabled Biru, three people associated to discover and conquer the kingdom. Francisco Pizarro headed the company. Pizarro was a native of Trujillo in Extremadura, spent several years living in America, and had been part of several expeditions to Central America and the Caribbean, including the voyage of exploration in which Basque Núñez de Balboa discovered the South Sea. Diego de Almagro, Almagro natural and social status comparable to that of Pizarro, entered the company in charge of supplies for the expeditions of discovery and conquest. Finally Hernando de Luque, a priest and chaplain of other expeditions before, was responsible for financing, but finally was licensed Gaspar de Espinosa, who ran most of the investment.
On September 13, 1524 departed from Panama the first trip of this enterprise of conquest. The Governor of Panama, Pedro Arias Dávila, authorized the issuance. The path traced by the expedition continued to the south, the Pacific coast of Panama and Colombia today. The journey was hard and probably disappointing on many occasions. In any case, we have several reasons to believe it. On the one hand, the fact that the expedition returned to Panama without going beyond the limits of present-day Colombia, speaks of the lack of incentives and found resources to continue the journey. Also the damage that led to clashes with the natives in conquering army are sadly illustrated in the figure of the same Diego Almagro, who returned from this first issue without an eye. Finally, the suggestive names that members of the expedition were baptizing the places where they made land, talk about disappointment and the hardships they faced on the trip (Puerto Deseado, Puerto Quemado and Puerto del Hambre, are clear examples of it.) The fact is that once reached the mouth of the San Juan River ended the first trip and started the return to Panama.
In 1526 he left the second trip. In August of that year, again reached the river San Juan and this time the expedition continued its way south. But the trip was getting more painful without finding rewards justify the sacrifices. In the midst of these discouraging circumstances, the pilot, Bartolome Ruiz discovered a raft of natives while on a reconnaissance mission. The capture of the raft as booty brought an immense amount of textiles as well as large quantities of pottery and metal pieces so coveted. They were also captured three of the passengers on the raft, who were later taken to Spain, and later serve as interpreters in the conquest of Tahunatinsuyo.Una After reaching the island of Gallo, Diego de Almagro was commissioned to Panama to bring reinforcements and supplies for the expedition. But men and resources alone did not arrive in Panama. Captain Juan Tafur, will be sent by the governor of Panama to the island of Gallo to bring the expedition back to a. It is said that one of the men of the expedition which he left with Pizarro on the island of Gallo, sent a secret message to the governor of Panama, in which said lord governor Ah! Well look at it entirely goes beyond the shelf and here is the butcher.

is in these circumstances that allegedly occurred the famous incident of the island of Gallo, which is said to Francisco Pizarro drew a line in the sand, thus giving his men the choice between becoming wealthy if they crossed the line in the direction of Peru, or returning to Panama, sure, but poor. Tradition tells us that only 13 men decided to cross the line and continue with the company, the others returned to Panama.
TOLEDO The capitulation of
This agreement gave the desired permission to Pizarro to conquer in the name of the English Crown land called New Castile, under the mandatory condition to evangelize the natives who inhabit this land conquered. Pizarro received the titles of Adelantado, Governor and sheriff. The powers of the other partners were also provided in this document. Thus, while Diego de Almagro only received the title of nobleman and governor of the already discovered Tumbes, Hernando de Soto was appointed bishop of that place (which until then had only been built a fortress). Moreover, it was recognized at thirteen of the Rooster with the title of nobility, and for those who already enjoyed this appointment was granted the title of Knights of the Golden Spur. It was stipulated also that the recruitment of men and supply everything needed for running the company on account of the expedition. The benefits, in turn, would divided among the members of the company, less one-fifth of all found (for the Quinto Real) Corona.La belonging to the capitulation of Toledo, the name is known to this agreement was signed on 26 June 1529 between Queen Isabel of Portugal and Francisco Pizarro. Third
travel and capture of the Inca
In 1530, once recruited the 180 men who formed the expedition began in the third and final voyage of the enterprise of conquest of Peru. From the southern tip of present-day Colombia, began the advance by land to Coaque. Remained at this location for several months. Later
managed to advance to Guayaquil, and nearly a month before the end of the year 1531 made a new stop, this time on the island of Puna.
At Tumbes, they found that the village had been razed. On August 15 de1532 is based San Miguel de Tagar (first English city founded in Peru). On November 15, 1532 and Peruleros Pizarro (the name that was called Pizarro's men) reached Cajamarca after crossing the Andes. Here is how the encounter of two worlds (Atahualpa Pizarro). The Inca was captured and later executed. The English go to Cusco knowing that they had conquered the Inca Empire.

factors that contributed to the Conquest
a) There
technological superiority various resources that marked the technological superiority of the English conquerors of the Inca resistance. The weapons are the artifacts in the most obvious is the technology gap. The advantage that gave the firearms to the English, compared to bows and arrows, clubs, spears and clubs of the Incas, was considerable.
b) Diseases and epidemics
epidemics and diseases that came to America with the European conquest weakened and decimated the native population across the continent. But the case of Peru was particular. Diseases such as smallpox and influenza before the conquistadors came to the territories of Tahuantinsuyo. For this reason, when the first English arrived in Tumbes, diseases and epidemics and had several years causing deaths and undermining the health of the population of the empire. It is even believed that the Inca Huayna Capac and his succession Auqui chosen for smallpox victims died almost 10 years before Pizarro's expedition reached the area of \u200b\u200bTumbes.
c) conflicts within
Tahuantinsuyo The English arrival coincided with the Tahuantinsuyo infighting that Huascar and Atahualpa, both sons of Huayna Capac, argued for control of the Inca empire.
SAYS WITH CONSISTENCY (critical thinking)
a) Which meant that Pizarro's companion to express the phrase "Ah senor governor! Look at it well there goes the whole collector and here is the butcher "
b) What was the capitulation of Toledo, whose partner was more favored by the signing of the same
c) What do you think was the most influential factor in the conquest Tahuantinsuyo by English
d) think it was fair or not the conquest by Pizarro Tahuantinsuyo